The 3 Types of Conversation Hooks, Pt. 2: Choose a Hook

Which of the three types of hooks should you use with the girl you just met? It depends on the setting you meet her in – and a few other conditions. Hey guys. I hope you are doing well. Last week, I discussed three types of hooking game: rapport-based, stimulation-based, and social-proof-based. Each provides different mechanisms to capture women’s attention and draw them into an interaction. You “hook them in.” The first type, rapport-based, focuses on building a verbal connection. The goal is to make the girl feel connected to you. This can occur when you share common interests, she resonates with you, she feels you understand her on a deeper level (through pacing), or when she finds you intriguing. The second type, the stimulation-based approach, involves stimulating her. You are a source of excitement that she finds enjoyable—being stimulating hooks. You approach the interaction with high energy, open with witty comments, use some banter or teasing, and funny games and gambits. The

The 3 Types of Conversation Hooks, Pt. 2: Choose a Hook

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choosing the right hookWhich of the three types of hooks should you use with the girl you just met? It depends on the setting you meet her in – and a few other conditions.

Hey guys. I hope you are doing well.

Last week, I discussed three types of hooking game: rapport-based, stimulation-based, and social-proof-based. Each provides different mechanisms to capture women’s attention and draw them into an interaction. You “hook them in.”

The first type, rapport-based, focuses on building a verbal connection. The goal is to make the girl feel connected to you. This can occur when you share common interests, she resonates with you, she feels you understand her on a deeper level (through pacing), or when she finds you intriguing.

The second type, the stimulation-based approach, involves stimulating her. You are a source of excitement that she finds enjoyable—being stimulating hooks. You approach the interaction with high energy, open with witty comments, use some banter or teasing, and funny games and gambits.

The third type is social-proof-based hooking. This is when you get the hook before you open by appearing sexy and attractive before approaching your designated girl. You do this through social proof, a social psychological mechanism when people value what others value. Others view you as attractive when they see you interacting with other women or even better when those other women seem interested in you.

These are three great approaches, but when should you use each? This is what I will address today.

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