What will make many people mad early? Is for them to study RITUALISM and then SPIRITUALISM. You will see the power of MEDITATION and SILENCE. Before you study them, know PRAYER & FAITH. Only RITUALISM will open your eyes, you try further, you will be afraid to live anymore. I know what I am talking. Ask God for his grace, when doing these, or you will be talking to spirits stronger than you, physically you are mad, no one is seeing them. Demons are not powerful, they are just corny. I was still young, when I connect to Angels, it was an angel that told me about my writing skills and charity. Then I don't know anything about charity, I write a lot. My mother do say, that was when I was in primary school, "When CHINAZA hold pen, he writes from his brain". So, still date I still communicate with Demons and Angels, I can tell. You are just a praying Christian, if you speaks in tongues mmmm…


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I Remember, FINANCIAL BANKING 2024. We can do it, just follow along. RITUALISTS are afraid to die and be poor. YOU should be afraid to be poor and go to hell. RITUALISTS are discipline, determined, sacrificial, risks takers, move in silent, consult Godfather at Night, talk less. Study a RITUALIST in African movies; include those attributes to your business and life in godly way. Seeing Adonay as our Godfather.

Replace GAMBLING with AFFILIATE MARKETING. RITUALISTS don't gamble, they trade to get the money. RITUALISTS don't procastinate, they work within the time bound. So don't give tomorrow the tasks, that should be completed today. RITUALISTS don't have emotions, so be logical not emotional.ur RITUALISTS study, so always be learning, to keep earning.

RITUALISTS value relationships and information, be protective of your relationship and information to others. RITUALISTS have faith and patience, so believe the process, value the process and keep waiting. RITUALISTS don't reveal their secrets, so don't reveal your secrets. You can tell any the model of business not the secrets. When you see yourself as a millionaire, you will be it, let it be ringing daily in your mind, from your bed.

Remember EVERYONE IS SELFISH, that's alone will make you know to communicate with others and make your money. The money is in their hands, sell the value to them, not the product. You can easily sell a product to solve pain 10X, than to sell a product to fulfill desire. Be the RITUALIST in your business. Don't play with your SPIRITUALITY. Hold Adonay strong. Adonay is our Shepherd!

RITUALISTS don't follow passion but purpose. Live a purpose driven life. Purpose driven lives earns more money, than lives that focus on profits (same applies to Companies or Business). Go for the purpose, kill the passion and sell the value.


Sport gambling, virtual football, casino or any. Gambling is forbidden.

RITUALISTS don't involve in them. They sell values for the money. Sell your products, services or be an affiliate marketer (if you don't have any).


Not to play with your SPIRITUALITY, keep the COMMANDMENTS OF ADONAY.

Don't break any, follow the TEACHINGS OF JESUS CHRIST: not your pastors or spiritual father.

RITUALISTS are careful and believe they don't have second chance, if disobey. Have that in your mind, then you will keep 98% of the LAWS and be WEALTHY. Study, Keep the LAWS & TEACHINGS OF THE PROPHETS & JESUS CHRIST.


Present yourself before Adonay in your closet,

morning and evening.

Confess your sins, repent of your wrongs, meditate on Death, work like a farmer, do good, sell values, reinvest in your field, give back to the community, study daily to improve, gain more updated insights, invest in humanity, donates, love, dance, smile often, travel, be childish for once a time and you will live your life like a King.




It makes you know that every actions you take, has consequences or rewards.

Learn to repent from the fall, after asking for

forgiveness. Never repeat the fall purposely or under influence again.



If you can't be a RITUALIST, be a SPIRITUALIST.

It's impossible to be a SPIRITUALIST without being a RITUALIST because SPIRITUALIST contains RITUALS. Ask your pastor or your witch doctor, what it meant!


As an Ikwerre man, I know where I come from. Stop looking at the physical acquisitions and look at the spiritual backup. You are not strong, only your land, they have buried you before you old, even younger as usual. Evils are everyone, no position is without battle. Even bloggers no love themselves. Hardly you hear a blogger helping blogger to rise or cash-out, I'm in the system, I know.


What will make many people mad early? Is for them to study RITUALISM and then SPIRITUALISM. You will see the power of MEDITATION and SILENCE. Before you study them, know PRAYER & FAITH. Only RITUALISM will open your eyes, you try further, you will be afraid to live anymore. I know what I am talking. Ask God for his grace, when doing these, or you will be talking to spirits stronger than you, physically you are mad, no one is seeing them.


See this life is more spiritual than physical. You want to know why, to keep the commandments of God, is just LOVE.

I started reading (studying) RITUALISM & SPIRITUALISM early. I talked to spirits at younger age, when we were at Rumueprikom, Wike's village. My mother use to ask me, CHINAZA who are you talking to. She prays, she always put eyes on me. I was spirits even now. DEEP MEDITATION connect you to God and to Devil. I have talked to Demon, yeah!


In our normal world, human do introduce acts, right.

But mine, a demon taught me

MASTURBATION. It steals your seed, and use it to populate demons, unknowing to you, some of the demons will be sent after you. It's your sperms, your seed. I was once a MASTURBATOR, before. Still my 22 years, I know all sex and kissing styles, yet haven't have sex with any lady. Funny right!


Demons are not powerful, they are just corny. I was still young, when I connect to Angels, it was an angel that told me about my writing skills and charity. Then I don't know anything about charity, I write a lot. My mother do say, that was when I was in primary school, "When CHINAZA hold pen, he writes from his brain". So, still date I still communicate with Demons and Angels, I can tell. You are just a praying Christian, if you speaks in tongues mmmm…


You can't hear from the spirit world, when you don't meditate. I will sinned, after committing the sin, during my DEEP MEDITATION, I will see myself in court of heaven for judgement because of that sinful acts. I then realized that I am accused day and night before God. I once ask a man, “Sir, what is this means; Do you know what he said: He said you are existing before now. The darkness is fighting you to fail your two wheels mission”.


My mission is my purpose, which are BUSINESS & CHARITY. God or Satan can't give you a mission without directions or patterns, check from the time of Adam to Revelation. My angel said to me, 70% Business and 30% Charity. Use the wheels to bring people to reconcile with God, not doing the opposite. So before I venture in any business, I ask, I meditate. Note this sometimes you will meditate and received zero communication.


Sometimes you will meditate, and be communicating with demons. It happens to Christ Jesus after his prayers in the wilderness. It takes God's insight for you to identify the call. Satan can tell you to open church, you don't know. I was in between light and darkness, I know how to make small gods, calling of spirits, communicating with somebody's spirit when the person is sleeping. RITUALISM will teach you that. You can go mad when you want to enter the dark dimensions of the powers.


Remember when I mentioned my missions, how can a 13 to 14 years old boy, be writing companies to open... Ah!

I was mad in business, please say this: "I refuse to be mentally mad". Yes, I refuse! Let's continue, I became lover of business than church, purpose is to use business to depopulate hell. I am not a praying type person, but I spent time in DEEP MEDITATION. Please don't go there, before the devil will teach you his ways, boom you will start operating in dark powers.


I don't why I am saying these, I believe this message this is for someone. The “666” you are seeing in the Bible is already existing. I remember, when I said in 2021, that a virus powerful than Covid-19 will come, because I am not big in the society ahhh... Watch we are closer to it, don't mentioned my name when it happens, just bear in mind. Because I didn't say it, it was revealed to me by God, so the angel said it, not DIDI-OMAH.


Quit masturbation, nothing is there.

Quit sins, hell is not the final place for sinners, read Revelation.

The truth why sins keep increasing because many churches do say, GIVE YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST. Noooo!


It's your soul to face judgement, not your life. God told the children of Israel, that the life of every beast and man, is in the blood. Why is dark kingdoms do centered on souls? Because it what we should give to God, not blood that will dried up after our death.


“Father, I give you my soul, I am a sinner, put your hands and accept my soul, take it, change my life and make it good, make my life new, help me Christ Jesus to live for you till death. Father give me the strength and courage to die for your sake, save me from death in your call, and let me to shine. Remember me in paradise, inscribe my name in the book of life; forgive me for disobeying you by worshipping on Sunday set by man government, still keep me besides you in heaven after my death. Amen.”


Thank you for just saying that prayer of salvation.


It's time we start giving our soul to God. Once you give your soul to God, you will be easy to do God's will. You know why? sins flow in the blood of man, which is in the life of man. When your soul is up to God, you are dead to the world, because you know where you will be after death. Wait.... Be obedient to God's law and Love, so you won't be busy with Christianity and found guilty after death.


Yes. Majority of these Christian centers are busy but guilty. That's where SPIRITUALISM comes in.

Churching here and there, regular member, holding positions, when you pray, even the up coming demons will shake.... I am serious. The Satan does not fear you, Devil did not fear Jesus till he died and resurrect, so who are you. Those saying prayers keep the devil far from you. foul... big foul!


Let's check our Bible very well, you are free to canter me.

Since God created our world, have you seen where the devil, he attack someone because he is prayerful, no he sent his demons. Jesus Christ temptation was done by Satan himself because he knew Jesus is going to ACTS more than PRAYING.

JOB, God and Satan were talking about his actions and characters not his praying Lifestyle.


Praying is great, super good. We ought to pray daily without ceases. We are commanded to be DOERS, let our DEEDS talk more than saying and praying.

The demons are sent to attack prayer warriors, the devil doesn't do that. If the devil come to you, you will fall, you won't even return to God, you will be praying in vain. So the demons are ones for praying man or woman. The devil does not accuse you on you not going to church, or not praying, he accuse you on your ACTIONS... God thank you!


Be a RITUALIST is powerful.

I will stop here, because if I go further we won't go home today.

Before I forget, I told my close friend, Gifted, about the NEW WORLD ORDER in 2016, and how a woman ruled AMERICA. It's happening, I will only become a liar if my prayer is answered, I do pray let her don't win. Because if it happens, then you will know the difference between HUNGER STRIKE affecting everyone and HUNGER STRIKE only affecting those without it's mark, you know the mark of man.


I am a Christian, we are having program, it is now!

To know who are Christ’s and who is just heading.

The war is hard, but it's few months to the end of time. A new war will bust out in 2026 to 2027 (believing within), I am not guessing, my spirit-man just drop the message. Learn RITUALISM & SPIRITUALISM both of the

DEVIL & ADONAY. Even the Bible urge us not to be ignorant of the devil's knowledge and devices.


Next time, we will talk on the NEW WORLD ORDER.

Before then, if you can't stay without your phone, sorry for you.

They said, GOD is optional not supreme. I know the world is fully going digital, don't be deceive, the world is fully going devil's way (they are using digital to brain washed you), I don't know who this message is for, it can be me or you. Go back to Agriculture or you deny Christ because of digital.


Let's Pray


“Blessed are you, Adonay. Heavenly father, I thank you, that you always hear me, whenever I call on you and ask.

Father, you have teach me your ways, and let the devil to teach me too. You show me paradise, heaven, hell, and eternal doom for final judgement. I have chosen your way, not to face Satan, because I already know he will attack me, for doing your works truly. I worship you in spirit and in truth, not just by casting but by also building.


Lord Christ Jesus, please pray for me, to God, our father.

More wars, hungers, killings, pains, hatred, and destructions are coming to our world, for the elects' sake and your name sake, pray for me, that I may be in paradise with you, also pray for me for everything I did not know or ask, help me. Amen.”


You just said that simple prayer.

I am not inviting you to any church or Christian program. It's a personal race. Do read your Bible, pray, love and acts on doing rights always.

Till we meet next time....



See: Daniel 7:1-28 (The Bible)



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