“If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles.”  Being a sinner, no gain in the world! I am here to talk about returning back to our original image, to our creator, to Adonay, my heavenly father. According to the message, we got from the book of Job 22:23; we just read. If we or you look and read from Job 22:1-30; you will realize that it is fully talking on “ACQUAINT YOURSELF WITH GOD”. It a personal recognition with the Almighty.

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Job 22:23 (KJV)

“If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles.” 



Being a sinner, no gain in the world!

I am here to talk about returning back to our original image, to our creator, to Adonay, my heavenly father.


According to the message, we got from the book of Job 22:23; we just read. If we or you look and read from Job 22:1-30; you will realize that it is fully talking on “ACQUAINT YOURSELF WITH GOD”. It a personal recognition with the Almighty.


Evil men are always anxious to think that God does not notice them. This was, says Eliphaz (according to the passage we read together), the policy of those who were destroyed by the Flood, remember the time of Noah in Genesis 6:9-22; if you go down to Genesis 7:1-24, you will understand the message. Equally sudden and unexpected shall be the days of the Son of Man. See Mat 24:37; 2Peter 3:7.  


Before we continue, I want to show you a message from the bible; remember when Christ Jesus talked about Daniel’s vision in Mat 24:15 “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)”

I am not instructed to talk on that, we will discuss on Daniel’s vision as we continue next time; meanwhile you can see the message in Daniel 7: 1 – End


They attempted to build society on atheistic lines, though he filled their houses with good things. The inference, of course, was that Job had been guilty of the same offense, Eliphaz concludes with a tender delineation of a holy life, Job 22:21-30. To be reconciled to God, to obey His Word, to put away iniquity and trust in earthly riches, are the conditions of blessedness.

Looking at our world, we are at the end of age, the last human generations on earth. How is your connection with God?

The bible called all sinners, you and me, are sinners. We must return back to Adonay, if we want true repentance and salvation.


Mind you, the son of man, Christ will come as the flood in the genesis; unknown to you and me. People will give up their faith, many love will wax cold, and many shall hate truth and embrace fables… ehhhhh!


God help me, I pray Adonay help you….. ahhhhh!

I am just reasoning, how that day will be like, the great tribulation. We need the light of God. Being a true Christian is the hardest deal on earth, that’s the truth.

Let’s return to Almighty, put sins away from us, hate evil, uphold uprightness; Adonay is willing to build us up. Are you ready?


“Father, I give you my soul, I am a sinner, put your hands and accept my soul, take it, change my life and make it good, make my life new, help me Christ Jesus to live for you till death. Father give me the strength and courage to die for your sake, save me from death in your call, and let me to shine. Remember me in paradise, inscribe my name in the book of life; forgive me for disobeying you by worshipping on Sunday set by man government, still keep me besides you in heaven after my death. Amen.”


Thank you for just saying that prayer of salvation.


We shall gain more than we lose, Job 22:25. We shall inherit the confidence and joy of His presence, Job 22:26. Our prayers will be answered; we shall walk “in the light;” and our ministry to others will be full of helpfulness. Let us, all, return to God and be at peace!

Is not about praying, do study the bible, demonstrate the love of God and let your lifestyle preach the gospel of Christ Jesus.

I want you to return back to God, look into your life, if Christ come now, where you will be found – Hell or Heaven?

Are you qualify for this kingdom, the world is ending with our generation – my friend.

“Blessed are you, Adonay. Heavenly father, I thank you, that you always hear me, whenever I call on you and ask.

Father, you have teach me your ways, and let the devil to teach me too. You show me paradise, heaven, hell, and eternal doom for final judgement. I have chosen your way, not to face Satan, because I already know he will attack me, for doing your works truly. I worship you in spirit and in truth, not just by casting but by also building.


Lord Christ Jesus, please pray for me, to God, our father.

More wars, hungers, killings, pains, hatred, and destructions are coming to our world, for the elects' sake and your name sake, pray for me, that I may be in paradise with you, also pray for me for everything I did not know or ask, help me. Amen.”


You just said that simple prayer.

I am not inviting you to any church or Christian program. It's a personal race. Do read your Bible, pray, love and acts on doing rights always.

Till we meet next time....




Read and Study from the Bible:

  • 2 Thessalonians 2: 1 – End
  • 1 Timothy 4: 1 – End
  • Daniel 7: 1 – End
  • Matthew 24: 1 – End
  • Revelation 13: 1 – End
  • Ezekiel 9: 1 – End
  • Ecclesiastes 9:11
  • John 17:3
  • Mark 1:15




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