Yes,we all need that exercise .Voting play a vital role in Nigeria today.It gives people the opportunity to choose among different party representatives to govern is carried out in elections and this give we Nigerians the right to select our leaders and to generally have a say in how the affairs of the nation are run.In this article important of voting as a citizen will be look into.

 It helps in democracy,the voting exercise is about democracy,which gives people the right to vote and to be voted for ,that is we all have the right to choose our representative.It is voting that you the choice to elect your preferred candidate among those contesting for power.And voting can occur in many different ways,formally via ballot to elect others.that is to choose role for a representative,who is running for an office .And if we fail to participate in voting during elections,representatives won’t have the enthusiasm to listen to the voice of the people,so voting is our civic duty.

  Voting helps in shaping the economy of the nation: As much as the law that governs the nation,party representatives are voted into office to make decisions concerning the National and governmental budgets.The governmental decides which money should go into education 

And into some government sector.when people vote ,they can make their economy preferences obvious,they would handle the economy situation of the country well.

  Voting is important in Nigeria because every vote counts: Today in the society we live in,many people are of the opinion that their single vote doesn’t count.what they don’t know is that,as a matter of fact ,it does count.It is was understood that most elections are decided by a close margin.In election exercise ,it is a most likely that the winner of the election wins because he has a few Vote higher than the other opposing parties.Every single vote has the power to be the discerning factor.if every body realize that their vote count,the government will act accordingly,so,it is safe to say that voting is important because every vote count.

  Voting protect our human right as citizens: One of our human right as citizens of the country is to have the ability to have a say in who runs the government.In Nigeria,since the beginning of democracy,people have had the right to vote for their representatives.This is right to also protect and maintain their other human rights.such as the right to expression and the right to freedom of association,among other gives people the right to protect their right as human.

    It holds our leaders accountable: voters have their leader,if aspiring leaders are chosen because of their promises,and they then fail to fulfill these promises,voter have the exclusive right to vote them out if power. It is voting that gives people that right to hold their representatives accountable.Accountability is one of the reason election without malpractice are important in society today.when people have the freedom to exercise se their right to freely vote for the representatives they demit,this hinder them from having the ability to hold elected people in power when people don’t come out to vote,corrupt politicians can remain in power even after breaking their gives us says on important issues.

    In conclusion,voting is a primary exercise,has citizens,our voting is obligatory in this coming election,,has citizens of our great nation let endeavor to vote for the right representatives.


    - Ogunkoya Temitope Oluwatosin 

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