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Category: Electronics

A stroopwafel doneness detection device

If you’re lucky enough to visit the Netherlands and you order a hot drink, you’ll likely be given a sweet treat as well. That is a...

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This rolling ball game brings Skee-Ball-style fun ...

Ask your friends about their favorite games at the arcade and the most common answer will likely be Skee-Ball. But while many othe...

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Peculiar precision full-wave rectifier needs no ma...

This design idea shows an unconventional precision full-wave rectifier circuit with a notable lack of matched resistors. The post...

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A desktop-sized DIY vending machine for your room

Have you ever wanted your very own vending machine? If so, you likely found that they’re expensive and too bulky to fit in most ho...

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Assume nothing. Question everything.

Debunking a near-lifelong assumption that the cans of modern D-cells were connected to the negative terminal, as they had been in ...

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Simple low-pass filters tunable with a single pote...

A scheme of simple band-pass RC- and LR-filters on op-amps containing only one capacitor or inductor and 3 resistors is proposed. ...

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Implementing AI at the edge: How it works

Panasonic bypasses sensor for air pressure monitoring in e-bike by combining MCU with an edge AI development tool. The post Implem...

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Resurrecting an inkjet printer, and dissecting a d...

What’s inside an inkjet printer cartridge? How does it work? And why do they cost so much?…read on to learn! The post Resurrecting...

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Altair eying a place in EDA’s shifting landscape

Another EDA player is on the horizon, taking a similar path of serial acquisitions to attain design automation software glory. The...

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Enjoy a perpetual solar eclipse with this machine

Total solar eclipses are rare — at least from the perspective of any specific point on the planet. A total eclipse will occur some...

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Thermal analysis tool aims to reinvigorate 3D-IC d...

Calibre 3DThermal enables designers to model, visualize, and mitigate thermal effects from early-stage chip design to packaging to...

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Connected MCUs incorporate Wi-Fi 6/6E, BLE 5.4

Connected MCUs, also called Wi-Fi SoCs, are targeted at smart home, industrial, wearables, and IoT applications. The post Connecte...

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Power Tips #130: Migrating from a barrel jack to U...

A demonstration on how to quickly implement a USB-C connector and power management circuitry that negotiates the appropriate USB P...

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Reducing error of digital potentiometers

Reducing the non-linear influence of wiper resistance in digital potentiometers on both ends of the resistance range. The post Red...

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The good, the bad, and the ugly of zero trims

Designing an amplifier nulling circuit that allows for the attenuation of the supply voltages without hurting the PSRR of the ampl...

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Can this tiny lawn mower robot cut it in the real ...

We’re finally starting to see robotic lawn mowers gain a little bit of traction as prices come down and consumer trust goes up. Th...

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Easily add Python-controlled GPIO pins to any comp...

Let’s say that, hypothetically, you wanted to use your computer to blink an LED or read the state of a button. Could you? Almost c...

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The Arduino-controlled Spin Meister helps spin up ...

Dedicated pizza ovens are all the rage right now, as they provide a better-distributed and higher heat that many find more prefera...

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Controlling a drum machine with the Arduino Opta

Makers have long asked the question “why bother with an expensive PLC when I can just use an Arduino?” The answer comes down to th...

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Why is STEAM education important for kids? 6 activ...

School’s out for summer – at least for most of us. While the majority of children (and teachers!) will probably be breathing a hug...

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