My heart pounded furiously as i tried to say something, I opened my mouth but no word came out. I swallowed hard and looked away, deeply embarrassed and confused.

“Mary” Samuel called my name softly, breaking my heart and flogging my soul with his voice. He really behaved like a good christian, very forgiving and caring, making my conscience flog and bite me without mercy.

The way he offered his help totally broke me into two, i really couldn’t believe he was ready to help after how i betrayed and dumped him the previous year.

“I don’t deserve your help, sympathy or anything, please just go, i beg of you” I finally managed to mutter, shaking and surprising him with my outburst.

“You are too proud and it isn’t good for a girl” he said with a very sad face. I breathed deeply and touched his left cheek,

“You are a very nice guy who deserves something better. Seriously each time i look at you, my conscience hurts because i instantly remember all the bad things i did to you, so accepting anything from you will kill me, please just let me be, moreover i’m not in any terrible situation that needs help, believe me” I explained calmly. He bit his lips and stood up.

“I broke my pride and most importantly i did what every guy will frown upon, by coming back to see you, but it’s okay” he murmured regretably.

“Oh no Samuel don’t say that” I cried, stood up and hugged him tightly, “you are a very nice guy and i know God will repay you somehow” I prayed,

“We don’t choose who we fall in love with, it’s something that happens without influence, and when it happens we leave everything just to follow our heart. Sometimes we end up with the wrong person, but believe me that’s it” I poured out as i held him tightly,

“And what happens to a guy who falls in love with a girl who happens to love another?” he asked,

“Seriously i can’t answer that” i murmured with a heavy heart.

“I wronged you, i scammed your family and broke their trust. I’ll be at your family house next saturday to apologize and seek forgiveness from your family” i heard myself say. He instantly broke away from me, stared into my eyes and rubbed his face with his palms.

“Will you actually do that?” he asked curiously,

“Of course i will, moreover it’s the only way i can atone for my sins and be free from the evil touch of misfortune which has befallen me lately” i confessed.

Was there ever anything seen like love and sorrow meeting together in a place?.

The pure love of Samuel’s noble heart, and the keen sorrow in mine, brought sadness more bitter than death upon us as we stared at each other that fateful Sunday.

“Alright then, i have to get going” Samuel muttered seriously. I nodded with a faint smile,

“Thanks again for checking up on me, hope you will be at home on Saturday?” i asked meekly,

“Of course i will” he replied, breathed deeply and turned to leave.

“Sam please wait” i begged nervously, forcing him to stop, turn and stare at me curiously,

“I have cute course-mates who will be willing to have a relationship with a guy like you, should i arrange one for you?” i asked nervously. He breathed deeply and shook his head,

“Never mind, thanks” he objected,

“Are you sure?” i asked seriously,

“Yea and i’m also very sure you will later regret leaving the only boy that truly loved you” he answered, turned and left without another word.


I took a long shower, freshened up and had a little nap. However a loud knock on my door hours later, woke me up. I lazily answered my door and smiled brightly as my eyes fell on Mariam.

“Thank God you are back, i missed you dear” i happily cried as we hugged each other.

“Me too” she murmured happily.

Even though our friendship wasn’t as strong as it used to be due to my strange affair with Emmanuel, we still maintained a little closeness and still shared a unique bond which kept us together like sisters. She never supported how i got back with Emmanuel, but it never stopped me from sharing my fears with her.

“Could you believe Emmanuel has a daughter” i announced as she walked into my room,

“Don’t say that, jeez!” she exclaimed with surprise, settled down on my bed with both hands on her jaw and listened keenly. I calmly sat beside her and narrated the latest story of my life to her.

“Damn this is so weird and unbelievable” she murmured and shook her head after listening to all i poured out,

“My dear i think you should run away from that guy, unless you are willing to risk your life over him. Moreover it isn’t too late for you, since you havn’t given him much commitment, nor slept with him after that careless night you spend at his family house last year” she advised seriously.

“You are right, but i just can’t do it, don’t ask me why please” i said seriously. She scoffed, shook her head and held my left shoulder,

“I think you are being insanely stupid, seriously” she scolded,

“you used to be a level headed, intelligent girl, but it seems like you are getting stupid as you grow older, please don’t take it the wrong way, but i have to tell you the truth” she added with a serious look.

“What is love without happiness?, and what is happiness without a bright future?” she asked, forcing me to look away in confusion,

“There is no doubt you are in love with Emmanuel, but where is your happiness, and how will your life turn out in few years coming?” “This is no soap opera, we are talking about your life. Youthful love fades with time, but happiness and bright future can make it last a life time” She advised with burning eyes,

“You are like my sister my dear, and i know you have a very good but weak heart, do you think you stand a chance with Stella and her numerous antics eeh?, answer me?, moreover how are you sure Emmanuel won’t abandon you at the last moment, because he’s good at it?” she asked seriously. I silently swallowed hard, lost in thought.

I was lost, disoriented and disorganised. Instead of helping, Mariam choosed to dismember me with her frightening questions. But sometimes a truthful reality is very painful and horrible to imagine.

But could she be right with all she’s just said?

-To Be Continued-

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