2-Set Escalation: Escalating a Seduction in a Set with Two Girls

Groups of two girls are common in nightlife. It can be hard to peel a girl off her one friend, though. Here’s how to escalate in front of her instead. Hey guys and welcome back. Table of Contents Sexualizing Without Isolation A. Mini-Isolation B. Light Sex Talk C. Discreet Touching D. Restraining Yourself Sealing the Deal A. Checking for Logistics (Screening) B. Seeding the Pull C. Acknowledging Her Friend Conclusion My most recent articles discussed two paradoxes. The first is to give both girls in a 2-set attention to maintain the hook. By doing so, you will face issues, such as running out of things to say, inflating your material, appearing like a dancing monkey, and creating jealousy and confusion because you are giving both girls attention. I provided solutions last week that deal with these issues. The second paradox is that you will not have the ideal setting to escalate the vibe when you deal with a 2-set. But because you must escalate the vibe at s

2-Set Escalation: Escalating a Seduction in a Set with Two Girls

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Click the link to join the registration on WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KThkuZlWaTcCu3iJHGBmLM

Click the link to join the registration on WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KThkuZlWaTcCu3iJHGBmLM
two-set escalationGroups of two girls are common in nightlife. It can be hard to peel a girl off her one friend, though. Here’s how to escalate in front of her instead.

Hey guys and welcome back.

My most recent articles discussed two paradoxes. The first is to give both girls in a 2-set attention to maintain the hook. By doing so, you will face issues, such as running out of things to say, inflating your material, appearing like a dancing monkey, and creating jealousy and confusion because you are giving both girls attention. I provided solutions last week that deal with these issues.

The second paradox is that you will not have the ideal setting to escalate the vibe when you deal with a 2-set. But because you must escalate the vibe at some point (stagnation = the death of the interaction), you find yourself in a dilemma: do you escalate in a setting where you cannot escalate the vibe very well—or do you wait and risk stagnation?

And that’s the question we will resolve in this article. I will explain how to escalate the vibe sexually and intimately in 2-sets. Yes, it is more challenging than running 3-sets (or larger) as you can isolate and escalate more easily from bigger groups.

Finally, we will discuss how to seal the deal when dealing with groups of two.

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