Walmart Dropshipping Review : How To Start Dropshipping On Walmart In 2023

In the world of e-commerce, dropshipping has gained a very important popularity as a business model. It offers entrepreneurs a low-risk way to start their own online stores without the need for inventory management or shipping logistics. Walmart, one of the largest retail giants, has also entered the dropshipping arena, providing an enticing opportunity for ... Read more

Walmart Dropshipping Review : How To Start Dropshipping On Walmart In 2023

In the world of e-commerce, dropshipping has gained a very important popularity as a business model. It offers entrepreneurs a low-risk way to start their own online stores without the need for inventory management or shipping logistics. Walmart, one of the largest retail giants, has also entered the dropshipping arena, providing an enticing opportunity for aspiring online entrepreneurs. In this article, we will discuss in details the world of Walmart dropshipping and explore its benefits, challenges, and everything you need to know to get started.

Quick Introduction: What is Dropshipping? Before we go into the details of Walmart dropshipping, let’s first understand the concept of dropshipping. Dropshipping is a business model where the retailer does not keep the products in stock. Instead, when a customer places an order, the retailer purchases the item from a third-party supplier who then ships it directly to the customer. This eliminates the need for inventory storage and reduces upfront costs.

Brief Overview of Walmart

Walmart, a household name in retail, is known for its brick-and-mortar stores and extensive range of products. However, the retail giant has also expanded its online presence to compete with e-commerce big organizations like Amazon. Walmart’s online marketplace allows third-party sellers to list their products, and recently, it has ventured into the world of dropshipping, creating new opportunities for online entrepreneurs.

Walmart Dropshipping
What is Walmart Dropshipping?

Walmart dropshipping is a program offered by Walmart that enables third-party sellers to list and sell products on the Walmart marketplace without the need to hold inventory. As a Walmart dropship seller, you can leverage the vast customer base and infrastructure of Walmart to reach a broader audience and fulfill orders seamlessly.

How Does it Work?

To participate in the Walmart dropshipping program, you need to register as a seller on the Walmart Marketplace and apply for the dropship program. Once approved, you can start listing products from your chosen suppliers on the platform. When a customer purchases a product from your listing, you notify your supplier, who then handles the packaging and shipping of the item directly to the customer.

Benefits of Walmart Dropshipping

Walmart dropshipping offers several advantages to online entrepreneurs, and they includes:

Wide Customer Base: Walmart attracts millions of customers, providing you with access to a vast potential market for your products.

Brand Recognition: Leveraging Walmart’s brand reputation can help build trust with customers and increase sales.

Efficient Fulfillment: With dropshipping, you don’t have to worry about inventory management or shipping logistics. Your suppliers handle these aspects, allowing you to focus on marketing and growing your business.

Low Startup Costs: Dropshipping eliminates the need for upfront inventory investments, making it a cost-effective option for aspiring entrepreneurs who have limited capital.

Scalability: As your business grows, you can easily scale up your operations in Walmart dropshipping. You can add more products to your listings and collaborate with multiple suppliers to meet increasing customer demand.

Advantages And Disadvantages

While Walmart dropshipping offers exciting opportunities, it’s important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages before diving in.

Advantages of Walmart Dropshipping

Access to Walmart’s Massive Customer Base: By leveraging the Walmart marketplace, you can reach millions of potential customers, increasing your chances of making sales.

Trusted Brand Image: Associating your products with Walmart’s reputable brand can instill confidence and trust in customers, leading to higher conversion rates.

Streamlined Fulfillment Process: With dropshipping, you don’t have to worry about inventory management or shipping. Your suppliers take care of order fulfillment, allowing you to focus on marketing and growing your business.

Flexibility and Scalability: Walmart dropshipping provides flexibility in terms of the products you can offer and the number of suppliers you can collaborate with. This makes it easier to scale up your business as it expands.

Disadvantages of Walmart Dropshipping

Intense Competition: Walmart’s marketplace is highly competitive, with numerous sellers struggling for customers’ attention. Standing out in such a crowded space requires effective marketing strategies and competitive pricing.

Strict Performance Metrics: Walmart maintains high standards for its dropship sellers. Failure to meet performance metrics, such as on-time shipping and low cancellation rates, can lead to penalties or suspension.

Limited Product Control: As a dropshipper, you rely on your suppliers to fulfill orders accurately and on time. Any errors or delays from the supplier’s end can impact your customer satisfaction and reputation.

Policies and Fees: Walmart has specific policies and fees for dropship sellers, which you must adhere to and account for in your pricing strategy. Familiarizing yourself with these policies is very much important to avoid any violations or unexpected costs.

How to Get Started

Now that you have an understanding of Walmart dropshipping, let’s discuss the steps to get started on this platform.

Register as a Walmart Dropship Seller

To begin, you need to register as a seller on the Walmart Marketplace. Visit the Walmart Seller Center website and complete the registration process by providing the necessary information about your business and agreeing to the terms and conditions.

Find reliable Suppliers

Next, you need to find reliable suppliers who can fulfill your orders. You can source products from existing suppliers in Walmart’s network or explore other options like private labeling or working with wholesalers. Conduct thorough research, evaluate supplier capabilities, and establish partnerships based on trust and reliability.

Listing and Managing Products

Once you have suppliers in place, you can start listing your products on the Walmart Marketplace. Ensure that your product listings are accurate, engaging, and optimized with relevant keywords to improve visibility. Monitor your listings regularly, manage inventory levels, and update product information as needed to provide the best customer experience.

Walmart Dropshipping Policies

Walmart has specific policies in place for dropship sellers. Familiarize yourself with these policies to ensure compliance and avoid any penalties or account suspension. Some key policies include:

1. Product Quality Standards: Walmart expects dropship sellers to maintain high-quality products that meet customer expectations.

2. Order Fulfillment: Dropship sellers must adhere to specific performance metrics, such as shipping within the promised timeframe and maintaining low cancellation rates.

3. Returns and Customer Service: As a seller, you are responsible for handling customer inquiries, returns, and providing satisfactory customer service.

Walmart Dropshipping vs. Other Platforms

To make an informed decision, it’s important to compare Walmart dropshipping with other dropshipping platforms. Let’s examine how Walmart dropshipping stacks up against other platforms in the industry.

Advantages of Walmart Dropshipping

Brand Recognition: Walmart is a well-known retail giant with a strong brand presence. Selling on Walmart can give your products instant credibility and trust in the eyes of customers.

Vast Customer Base: Walmart attracts millions of shoppers both online and in-store. By tapping into their marketplace, you gain access to a massive customer base that can significantly boost your sales potential.

Competitive Fees: Walmart offers competitive commission rates for dropship sellers, making it an attractive option in terms of profitability.

Disadvantages of Walmart Dropshipping

Intense Competition: Due to Walmart’s popularity, the competition among sellers on the platform can be fierce. You’ll need to develop effective marketing strategies and unique selling points to stand out from the crowd.

Strict Performance Standards: Walmart sets high performance standards for its dropship sellers, including timely shipping and low cancellation rates. Meeting and maintaining these standards can be challenging and requires careful attention to detail.

Limited Control: As a dropshipper on Walmart, you have limited control over the shipping and fulfillment process. Reliance on suppliers can introduce potential issues, such as delayed shipments or incorrect product handling.

Success Stories

While dropshipping success depends on various factors, there have been notable success stories within the Walmart dropshipping realm. Let’s talk about a few real-life examples of entrepreneurs who have found success:

Sarah’s Home Decor: Sarah started her dropshipping journey on Walmart, specializing in unique home decor products. With strategic marketing campaigns and a focus on customer experience, Sarah grew her business significantly, reaching five-figure monthly revenues within a year.

John’s Electronics: John capitalized on the high demand for electronics on Walmart’s marketplace. By sourcing products from reliable suppliers and providing exceptional customer service, John’s Electronics became a top-rated seller, attracting a loyal customer base.

Emily’s Baby Essentials: Emily carved a niche for herself by offering a range of high-quality baby products on Walmart. She built trust among parents by curating a selection of safe and reliable products, resulting in consistent sales and positive reviews.

These success stories demonstrate that with dedication, strategic planning, and a focus on customer satisfaction, entrepreneurs can achieve huge success in Walmart dropshipping.

Tips for Success on Walmart

To maximize your chances of success in Walmart dropshipping, consider implementing the following strategies:

Research Product Demand:

Before listing products, conduct thorough market research to identify trending and high-demand items. Understanding your target audience and their preferences will help you select products that have a higher chance of success.

Optimize Product Listings:

Craft compelling and detailed product descriptions that highlight the features, benefits, and unique selling points. Use relevant keywords to improve visibility and ensure your listings stand out from competitors.

Provide Excellent Customer Service:

Promptly respond to customer inquiries, address concerns, and process returns efficiently. Positive customer experiences lead to higher customer satisfaction and increased chances of repeat business.

Monitor Competitors:

Keep an eye on your competitors’ pricing, product offerings, and marketing strategies. This allows you to stay competitive and adjust your approach to attract and retain customers.

Continuously Improve:

Regularly analyze your performance metrics, identify areas for improvement, and adapt your strategies accordingly. Stay up to date with industry trends and make data-driven decisions to enhance your business’s performance.


Walmart dropshipping offers a compelling opportunity for aspiring online entrepreneurs. By leveraging Walmart’s massive customer base and infrastructure, sellers can reach a wider audience and benefit from a streamlined fulfillment process. However, it’s important to consider the intense competition, strict performance metrics, and the need for effective marketing strategies.

Success in Walmart dropshipping requires careful planning, diligent research, and a customer-centric approach. By following best practices, optimizing your product listings, and providing exceptional customer service, you can increase your chances of achieving success in this competitive marketplace.

Remember to stay informed about Walmart’s dropshipping policies, comply with their requirements, and continuously adapt your strategies to meet customer demands and market trends. With dedication, perseverance, and a focus on delivering value to customers, you can build a thriving dropshipping business on Walmart.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I dropship any product on Walmart’s marketplace?

While Walmart allows dropshipping, they have specific categories and products that are restricted. Make sure to review their guidelines and policies to ensure compliance.

Do I need to have a business entity to start Walmart dropshipping?

Yes, you will need a registered business entity to sell on Walmart’s marketplace. They require sellers to provide necessary legal documentation during the registration process.

Are there any fees associated with Walmart dropshipping?

Yes, Walmart charges referral fees and other selling fees for each item sold on their platform. Familiarize yourself with their fee structure to understand the costs involved.

How can I ensure timely order fulfillment as a dropship seller?

Choosing reliable suppliers with efficient shipping processes is important. Regular communication with your suppliers and setting clear expectations can help ensure timely order fulfillment.

What marketing strategies can I use to promote my dropshipping business on Walmart?

Use Walmart’s built-in marketing tools, such as sponsored product ads, to increase product visibility. Additionally, social media marketing, influencer collaborations, and content creation can help drive traffic to your Walmart listings.
Remember that success in Walmart dropshipping requires continuous learning, adaptation, and a customer-centric approach. Stay informed, be proactive, and focus on providing value to your customers to build a profitable and sustainable business on Walmart’s platform.

Are you ready to start a dropshipping business on Walmart?

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