True Life Story: I Never Knew My Wife’s Best Friend Was Envious Of Her-Pt 2

True Life Story: I Never Knew My Wife’s Best Friend Was Envious Of Her-Pt 2 CLICK HERE TO READ PART 1 OF THIS STORY Dear Lively Stones Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for reading my story last week and for sharing your advise on the situation with my wife. So, here is an update on […]

True Life Story: I Never Knew My Wife’s Best Friend Was Envious Of Her-Pt 2
True Life Story: I Never Knew My Wife’s Best Friend Was Envious Of Her-Pt 2

True Life Story: I Never Knew My Wife’s Best Friend Was Envious Of Her-Pt 2


Dear Lively Stones

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for reading my story last week and for sharing your advise on the situation with my wife. So, here is an update on the situation: after several days of ignoring my wife, we eventually agreed to see a marriage counsellor. The first day of the appointment with the marriage counsellor lasted seven hours and we achieved nothing. We basically kept screaming at each other…we were hurt. I was hurt emotionally….I have just learned my wife is f#cking a married man …..but my wife was hurt both physically and emotionally.

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Well, we went home and cried. We both decided to get a divorce, there was no need going back to the marriage counselling appointment. So, I decided to take a few of my things and leave the house, I was going to a short let apartment until I find a place to rent permanently. As I packed my stuff, my wife was still crying. My heart was shattered into several pieces but I was too angry to even offer her some consolation. I moved out and that night, I drank myself to stupor, trying to numb myself from the pain.

The next day, my wife sent me a text: she said where are you, come home…let’s figure this out…I will do anything to fix my marriage. I looked at the text for more than 3 minutes not knowing what to reply her but I got in my car…and found myself driving back home. When I got home, there were no words, we just held each other, crying until we started kissing and ended up making love. As I made love to my wife, I began to understand why she cheated.

My wife is the most beautiful woman with perfect body but the accident gave her scars. And even so, she is unable to move around like she normally does. I could see that she is now insecure about her body, as I touched her, she winced, she was nervous. I had to calm her down, I became intentional about how we were communicating during love making. I don’t know where the inspiration came from but all I was thinking was how to make my wife comfortable with me. We both finally slept and for me, this was the first time I was sleeping well in many weeks.

My wife and I have decided to move on from this trauma. She has stated that she will find another physiotherapist to continue her sessions. As for Chrissy, we have decided to ignore her. My wife said she can do whatever she likes with that pregnancy but I will never claim the child. My wife made me swear never to agree to claim to be the father of Chrissy’s child. I did…I swore and have decided in my heart, only children from my wife will be called my children.

Somehow, there is quiet now after the storm in my house. But that does not mean that in my heart, I am still not wondering what the future holds. Well, I guess we just have to wait and see….right? Wait and see what Chrissy decides to do with the pregnancy…if she keeps the pregnancy…will I really be able not to lay claim to my own child? As for Ella’s affair with her former doctor, I still wonder….have they really ended things? Is Ella really over him or she is just trying to keep this marriage?

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I wont lie, there are days that all I want to do is plot how to strangle Chrissy and that doctor. I wish them dead. They ruined our perfect lives. Now I wonder, does Ella really love me? Does she still have feelings for her ex? We don’t talk about these things because we have agreed to move forward but I think between Ella and I….we still have questions in our hearts about the future. I am choosing not to allow fear of the future hold both of us down but my spirit is unsettled.

Maybe what I need is a little more guidance from anyone who has been through something similar….I want to know, did your marriage or relationship survive after you both cheated on each other and after you had a child outside your marriage…how did you survive it? Please advise me.


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