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The Most-Read Crossway Articles from 2024

Review some of the year’s most popular articles that cover various biblical and ethical questions related to alcohol, tattoos, heaven, and a number of challenging doctrines.

The Most-Read Crossway Articles from 2024

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The Top Ten Most Read Articles This Year

Review below some of the year’s most popular articles that cover various biblical and ethical questions related to alcohol, tattoos, heaven, and a number of challenging doctrines from authors Wayne Grudem, Paul Tripp, Kevin DeYoung, and more.

10. A Coward’s Guide to Evangelism
J. Mack Stiles

How do I present the gospel honestly and boldly without needlessly offending? How do I ensure I don’t slip into heresy by adding or subtracting from the gospel? Many of us have a lot of internal angst to work out concerning evangelism. Mack Stiles offers seven suggestions for you to keep in mind as you consider how to get started in evangelism.

9. 10 Ways to Fracture Your Church
Conrad Mbewe

Could you be contributing to disunity at your church? Conrad Mbewe describes ten ways in which you can fracture the church to which you belong. If any of these describe you, may God give you grace to amend your ways for the sake of Christ who desires his people to be truly united.

8. 5 Myths about the End Times
Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley

After the Lord Jesus Christ predicted the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, his disciples asked, “Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” They probably had no idea how much discussion Christ’s answers to those questions would generate. In this article, Dr. Joel Beeke and Dr. Paul Smalley discuss and refute five myths about the end times.

7. 5 Things Science Cannot Explain (but Theism Can)
J. P. Moreland

The heart of scientism is the conviction that science can explain virtually everything. If there is not a valid scientific explanation for an event or state, then that is not properly an object of our knowledge. In reality, though, there are many things that science cannot explain. J. P. Moreland looks at five things that theism can explain but science cannot.

6. What Are Demons, and How Should Christians Think about Them?
Jon Nielson

How should we think about demons? How should we guard ourselves against their attacks? How should we remind ourselves of their eternal destiny? What is our ultimate hope in the midst of real spiritual warfare and demonic activity?

5. Fight Sin with One Word
Paul David Tripp

Your marriage is shaped by your commitment to say this word. Your parenting is shaped by your willingness to say this word. Your friendships are shaped by how often you say this word. Your friendships and fellowship in the body of Christ are determined by your discipline in saying this one word.

4. Should Christians Practice Total Abstinence from Alcoholic Beverages?
Wayne Grudem

Someone might argue that a practice of total abstinence is the best witness to a society where alcoholism is immensely harmful. However, that assumes that the best form of witness is a kind of lifestyle that is stricter than what God requires in his word.

3. What Does the Bible Say about Alcohol?
Wayne Grudem

Several Bible passages warn against drunkenness, but how should we define being drunk? Other passages view alcoholic beverages more positively but with words of caution. How should we interpret Scripture’s teaching on alcohol along with both its benefits and dangers?

2. Are Christians Prohibited from Getting Tattoos?
Wayne Grudem

Sometimes people read this statement about tattoos in the Old Testament and wonder if it applies today: "You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the LORD" (Lev. 19:28). Wayne Grudem explains whether any aspect of this prohibition is still binding and considers the wisdom in getting or avoiding a tattoo.

1. Will My Dog Be in Heaven?
Cameron Cole

Once per year at Cameron Cole’s church, sixth graders do Q&A with the head pastor in front of a room of 200 adults. Given the honesty of the kids, who ask the questions most adults would like to ask if they had the opportunity, the class is must-see TV. Every year without fail multiple notecards contain the same question, and I bet the same would be true if there were an adult Q&A in any church. Will my dog be in heaven?

Honorable Mentions

Is Double Predestination Fair?
Kevin DeYoung

Is Every Sin the Same in God’s Eyes?
Kevin DeYoung

How Much Should Christians Tithe?
Wayne Grudem

Why Did Jesus Tell People Not to Bury Their Father or Say Goodbye to Their Family?
Thomas R. Schreiner

An Open Letter to the Church Member Hurt by Their Local Church
Daniel P. Miller

What Is the Unpardonable Sin?
Dan Doriani

3 Pitfalls to Avoid While You’re Waiting on God
Mark Vroegop

John Piper on Profanity, Crude Joking, and Using the Word “Dang”
Tony Reinke

What Temptation Is and Is Not
J. Garrett Kell

4 Psalms You Didn’t Realize Point to Christ
Christopher Ash

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