The Ghana Grows High School Program is set to inspire the Next Agric and ATVET Heroes | Get the Scoop

In the heart of Ghana’s bustling educational landscape, a dynamic initiative is taking root, sowing the seeds of opportunity and empowerment among the nation’s youth. The Ghana Grows High School Next Level Program, an inspiring collaboration between the Mastercard Foundation and the Springboard Roadshow Foundation, has been making waves across the country, igniting passion, and […] The post The Ghana Grows High School Program is set to inspire the Next Agric and ATVET Heroes | Get the Scoop appeared first on BellaNaija - Showcasing Africa to the world. Read today!.

The Ghana Grows High School Program is set to inspire the Next Agric and ATVET Heroes | Get the Scoop

In the heart of Ghana’s bustling educational landscape, a dynamic initiative is taking root, sowing the seeds of opportunity and empowerment among the nation’s youth. The Ghana Grows High School Next Level Program, an inspiring collaboration between the Mastercard Foundation and the Springboard Roadshow Foundation, has been making waves across the country, igniting passion, and fostering innovation in high school students.

With a mission to reshape perceptions in Agric and ATVET and unlock potential, the Ghana Grows High School Next Level initiative has embarked on a transformative journey, reaching out to six high schools and potentially touching the lives of over 10,000 students. The schools visited throughout the first chapter of this project are Krobo Girls SHS and Aburi Girls SHS in the Eastern Region, Tamale Girls SHS in the Northern Region, Ahantaman Girls SHS in Western Region, Yaa Asantewaa Girls SHS in Ashanti Region and Mfantsiman Girls SHS in Central Region.

At its core, the program seeks to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding agriculture and technical vocational education and training (ATVET) by showcasing the boundless opportunities and the immense potential of these fields. The initiative also aims to empower students to reimagine their futures and pursue careers aligned with their passions and talents.

The impact of Ghana Grows High School Next Level extends far beyond a change in negative perceptions. It has evolved into a holistic journey of self-discovery and personal empowerment. Through engaging power talks, interactive sessions, debates and more, students have been equipped with invaluable life skills, from personal branding to career guidance, setting them on a path towards success and fulfillment.

The stories emerging from the program are nothing short of inspiring. Young minds once hesitant to explore the world of agriculture and technical vocational education are now brimming with enthusiasm and ambition. Students who once doubted their potential are now dreaming big and setting their sights on new horizons.

One such success story comes from Tamale Girls SHS where the overall best student in academics Aishatu Bashiru expressed her sincere interest to now venture into farming and become a farmer as a profession. Others who were initially skeptical about ATVET, discovered their passion for innovation and entrepreneurship in this space.

This project has seen several powerful testimonials of students boldly embracing new career options such as modelling, arts and crafts, fashion designing, engineering and many more career paths they were once uncertain to chart. Armed with newfound skills, they are now poised to navigate the complexities of the modern world with resilience, knowledge and confidence.

The Ghana Grows High School Next Level made incredible strides in presenting the same message in unique ways in each school. The organizers were sure to present a peculiar experience and opportunity with activities such as debates, a pageantry, dance battles and talent shows, live fashion shows by the students, student innovation presentations where students in Aburi Girls presented their repurposed hand-crafted creations made from sticks, stones, bones, paper and also a group of science students from Yaa Asantewaa Girls SHS presented a hydroponics system they built with a well thought out presentation to go with it.

Other interesting activities to note were the tree planting exercises in each school where the two Foundations also donated seedlings and gardening tools to each school and then the crowd stirring wow moment where 3 random students were selected from the audience to win well stocked hampers with cash prizes.

A surreal and emotional wow moment story was in Tamale Girls SHS where the ultimate winner just couldn’t hold back her tears after winning because she had been praying for a breakthrough to assist her sister in paying her school fees and the cash prize was just the miracle answer she needed to her prayers.

The event also pulled surprise appearances and performances by arguably one of Ghana’s biggest and most celebrated dance groups, DWP which seemed to spice up the event and offer a befitting climax to the program. The dance group were also instrumental in driving home the core message of Ghana Grows through their performances and short talks in all the schools they were invited to.

The unwavering commitment to empowering the next generation of leaders and changemakers in Ghana by this Mastercard Foundation and the Springboard Roadshow Foundation initiative is commendable and admirable and with more time we believe they can do incredibly more together in shaping a brighter tomorrow for the next generation, one school at a time.

On catching up with the Executive Director of the Springboard Roadshow Foundation she emphasized that the journey of Ghana Grows High School Next Level is far from over.

As we look ahead, we are inspired by the countless possibilities that lie ahead. The impact of this initiative goes beyond numbers. It is measured in the dreams awakened, the ambitions ignited, and the minds transformed. With continued support and collaboration, we are confident that we can build on our success and empower even more young minds to reach their full potential and also delve into the Agric and ATVET Space.

To know about the Ghana Grows High School Next Level or any of the initiatives of the Ghana Grows Program, you can reach out to them via their Instagram or Facebook pages or their call center hotline on 030-82-55-775 to inquire about the job and skill training opportunities they offer. As the team popularly says on their various tours and projects “Ghana Grows… Hope Dey!”

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