See Him Now

In the midst of the most fearful times that fall upon us, when we place our faith in His promises - we will see Him now The post See Him Now can be found online at Daily Thoughts about God.

See Him Now

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Have you ever heard someone say,

“Once the storm passed and the trial was over, I could look back and see that God had been with me, after all.”

This statement implies they did not see God all the way through, from beginning to end. When you find yourself face to face with a difficult trial, in those early moments as fear descends upon you, please know that God wants you to see Him now!

Let there be no doubt, God is with us in the midst of our fiery trials. He knows what is happening and walks with us through our circumstances from beginning to end, working what only He can do. He wants us to see Him at the beginning, not just after it is over and looking back and realizing that He indeed had been there all along. God is always there (Deuteronomy 31:6) never leaving us, never forsaking us.

Sometimes, we miss seeing Him at the beginning, because a crisis rapidly befalls us and we are swept away in a current of fear and overwhelming anxious thoughts. We are caught up in a storm that moves so quickly upon us – that we forget there is a Solid Rock we can cling to, and we find ourselves in the middle of chaos, trying to fix everything ourselves.

We go to Him as if our crisis caught Him unaware and now we worry the mess is too messy for Him to untangle. Did we forget He is an all-knowing God and He precisely and intricately knows all the details of our lives? His desire is that we see Him in the first moment a trial overtakes our lives, and from that first moment – know beyond a shadow of doubt, He is already there working things we cannot see.

Our Heavenly Father wants us to find comfort and strength in knowing He is our Rescuer, Deliverer, and our Refuge in life’s storms. Psalm 46:1 reminds us

God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.”

God’s word tells us in Isaiah 41:10

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you, I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand.

These words assure us that He will be with us – whatever we face in our life. In the midst of the most fearful times that fall upon us, when we place our faith in His promises – we will see Him now

By Kathy Cheek
Used by Permission
From: First Breath of Morning: Where God Waits For You Every Day.


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•  Facing Trials 

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The post See Him Now can be found online at Daily Thoughts about God.

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