NXT live blog: Heatwave fallout

Follow along with this week’s episode of NXT, the first stop following the events of Heatwave. A Heritage Cup match, a new NXT champion, and more! Here’s a place to check results and comment along with the newest episode of WWE NXT, airing live on Tuesday night in the 8 pm ET time slot on USA Network. Advertised for tonight from the WWE Performance Center: It’s all the fallout from the big Heatwave premium live event that went down just days ago in Toronto. Ethan Page is the new NXT champion and Trick Williams isn’t happy about how it went down. Meanwhile, Wes Lee addresses his future after losing to Oba Femi in a North American title match. Elsewhere, Tony D’Angelo defends the Heritage Cup against Lexis King, Sol Ruca takes on Fallon Henley, and more! Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the NXT live blog kicks off once the show starts on USA. A running record of everything that happens will be below this line here. Enjoy the show! WWE NXT RESULTS AND LIVE BLOG FOR J

NXT live blog: Heatwave fallout

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Click the link to join the registration on WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KThkuZlWaTcCu3iJHGBmLM

Follow along with this week’s episode of NXT, the first stop following the events of Heatwave. A Heritage Cup match, a new NXT champion, and more!

Here’s a place to check results and comment along with the newest episode of WWE NXT, airing live on Tuesday night in the 8 pm ET time slot on USA Network.

Advertised for tonight from the WWE Performance Center: It’s all the fallout from the big Heatwave premium live event that went down just days ago in Toronto.

Ethan Page is the new NXT champion and Trick Williams isn’t happy about how it went down. Meanwhile, Wes Lee addresses his future after losing to Oba Femi in a North American title match. Elsewhere, Tony D’Angelo defends the Heritage Cup against Lexis King, Sol Ruca takes on Fallon Henley, and more!

Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the NXT live blog kicks off once the show starts on USA. A running record of everything that happens will be below this line here.

Enjoy the show!


Peace to dwell, the beginning of a world. Love entwined, throughout all the world combined in your holy ground I found, but now I have to liveblog this pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with a recap of NXT Heatwave from Sunday.

Freshly-minted NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page makes his entrance, flanked by about half a dozen security guards.

He gets on the mic and drops a big “AND NEW” and poses for the crowd, who are not happy about it. He says six weeks is all it took for Ethan Page to take over this entire brand, and for him to accomplish something so miraculous in such a short time, that takes determination, adaptability, world-class athleticism, but most importantly, a giant freakin’ ego!

He makes fun of the crowd reaction to the end of Heatwave and he hopes people understand that everyone here and in the back hates him, and that’s why he brought the security with him tonight, in case any delinquents tried anything.

Oro Mensah, on cue, tries to attack and gets taken out by security. He has a special thank you to Ava Raine for banning Mensah from Heatwave. He talks about the incredible opportunity of main eventing Heatwave in Toronto and walking out champion, and he makes a promise to everyone here tonight.

As our NXT Champion, he promises with every ounce of him that he’ll make sure that none of these outsiders come to NXT and ruin what we have, because what we have in NXT is so very special. If you’ll indulge him, he brings up “we are NXT” and corrects it to “I am NXT” and we have entered the Era of Ego.

Enter Trick Williams.

He’s all business and won’t make excuses but you best believe he’s gonna get even and he’s getting his rematch... tonight. Ethan says he has every right to be emotional and he’s glad Trick came out he so he can thank him for the Trick Shot that lead to him falling into the NXT Championship.

He knew Williams would come out here and demand a rematch, but he’s not the guy around here anymore, and the title on his shoulder proves that, and as far as a rematch goes... DENIED.

Enter Shawn Spears.

He says Ethan owes him a giant thank-you for having his line of sight obstructed and tells Trick losing the title without even being pinned has to suck and now he’s out here crying for a rematch but Spears can’t let that happen.

Enter Je’Von Evans.

He says he knocked both their asses out and was this close to winning the title, and he’s not waiting to call his shot again.

A brawl breaks out, the babyfaces stand tall, and referees swarm to keep them all apart.

We get footage of Arianna Grace breaking her tag team with Karmen Petrovic on Sunday and Ava Raine booking a match between them, and we go to break.

Back from commercial we get a social media promo from Lexis King about how he’s going to win the Heritage Cup and a promo from Tony D’Angelo saying he’s not going to win it.

Arianna Grace vs. Karmen Petrovic

Grace shoves her down, talking trash, off the ropes, shoulder block, Petrovic blocks a right hand, mat slam, discus lariat! Right hand, hook kick, cover for two! Front chancery, grinding her down, here come Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx to stick their noses in as Karmen grabs a Muta Lock. Arianna breaks out, backfist, elbow, overhead elbow from Grace.

Rising knee gets two, grounded Cobra Twist, Petrovic fights out and lands a kick...

Karmen Petrovic wins by pinfall with a kick.

Post-match, Fallon Henley attacks Karmen and beats her down!

We get footage of Brooks Jensen meeting with Ava Raine.

He says he has no excuses and he wishes he could take it all back but he knows he can’t. She says there’s up and downs in this business and you have to push through the lows. Jensen says he feels pressure as a second generation star and she must understand. She says she does and she and “Heartbreak Man” Shawn Michaels were about to release him but they were convinced not to.

He’s grateful and she tells him he has to carry himself as a WWE Superstar 24/7, and he says it’s his life and he promises he’ll make an impact, and we go to break.

Lexis King vs. Tony D’Angelo (c) (NXT Heritage Cup)

Eddy Thorpe is at ringside with a turntable because sure.

Round 1

Arm wringer from the champion, Lexis rolls through, upkick breaks. Side headlock, shot off, drop down, giant step, D’Angelo pops up with slams and into an arm drag into an armbar. King to his feet, backing him into the corner, dirty break with a body blow, whip reversed, back body drop connects!

Big arm drag, King turning it around in the last minute of the round, chops in the corner, Tony comes back, Boston Crab in the final seconds...

Round 2

D’Angelo working fast...

Tony D’Angelo wins the first fall by pinfall, going up 1-0.

And so we go to break.

Round 3

Back from commercial, final seconds of round 3, running knee from King sets up the Coronation...

Lexis King wins the second fall by pinfall with Coronation, evening it up 1-1.

Round 4

Trading shots, belly-to-belly from the Don, another one, King gets a forearm up, pops to the second, Tony is with him, jockeying for position, diving DDT connects! Inside cradle, only two, Lexis with a superkick, another Coronation, reversed, big spinebuster from the champion...

Tony D’Angelo wins the third and final fall by pinfall with a spinebuster, retaining the NXT Heritage Cup.

An autosave error loses a fair chunk of show, including Brooks Jensen beating Je’Von Evans up backstage and a Chase U segment where Ridge Holland got Thea Hail and Duke Holland matches while they were out, plus the beginning of the next match.

Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) vs. Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont

Brawling, Igwe gets cut off and isolated, Dupont comes in, back suplex into a big splash, Coffey kicks out! Low bridge sends Tyson to the floor, tag to Wolfgang...

Gallus win by pinfall with the Boot o’ Doom on Tyriek Igwe.

Trick Williams is interviewed backstage and says nothing is gonna stop him from reclaiming his title, and Joe Hendry appears on the TV behind them as he leaves.

Wes Lee is shown walking backstage to send us to break.

Wes Lee makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

He says he had a rough couple days— he truly believed he’d beat Oba Femi and regain his North American Championship, but Oba was the better man, point blank. But the match wasn’t everything he put himself into. After he woke up from surgery he knew he had to beat the unbeatable, and he could feel the title in his hands again.

But unfortunately that’s not how it happened. He doesn’t know where to go from here, and he’s been beaten before but this was different. He’s had one hell of a run here in NXT but he has to be honest with all of us and with himself, and he thinks it’s time to start stepping away.

The Rascalz of Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz are here from TNA!

Zach says nobody wants to see Wes go and they’ve missed him so much. Trey gets it, he can’t believe they’re here either, and Wentz says this isn’t about them, it’s about him, and he’s the greatest North American Champion ever. Trey says the two of them are the best tag team to ever step foot in this building.

Wentz says he wants MSK back together AND for the Rascalz to wreck shop around here, and Lee comes in for a group hug!

Ethan Page and Shawn Spears are interviewed backstage and they laugh about how there’s no way Trick will find a replacement partner. All Ego says he’ll see Spears out there and tells the interviewer to back the hell off and give the champ some space so he can get warmed up.

Chase U make their entrance and we go to break.

Izzi Dame vs. Thea Hail

Hail with probing kicks, collar and elbow, arm drags, Thea holding on for dear life, off the ropes, la casadora, Dame cuts her off with a big boot! Izzi follows it up with a backbreaker, into an STF after that, keeping her in the middle of the ring, action to the floor, Tatum Paxley runs interference and Thea takes advantage!

Back in, diving crossbody, lariats, inverted DDT, side kick, snap rolling neckbreaker! Double knee armbreaker, double wristlock applied...

Thea Hail wins by submission with a double wristlock.

Post-match, Oba Femi appears and says he’s going to destroy Duke Hudson next week.

Hudson says that’s the same old crap and he shouldn’t underestimate the man they tell you not to worry about but who has the attention of Trish Stratus, who tore the roof off in Toronto, the MVP of Chase University, Duke Hudson!

The Rascalz are walking backstage (remember when they were Scarlet and Graves a couple lifetimes and a gender ago?) when they run into Gallus. Joe Coffey talks trash, Wes explains the name situation and that’s that.

OTM appear backstage cutting a promo on the Good Brothers on their way to their entrance and our break.

Back from commercial, Ava Raine yells at Brooks Jensen for ruining the main event and she books a match between Jensen and Je’Von Evans. Josh Briggs says he’ll be there but Brooks insists he’s going it alone.

Briggs says he’ll take care of it but he wants Shawn Spears in return. She says she needs him to not interfere in the main event, and Stevie Turner pitches Briggs as a tag partner for Trick Williams, which has Robert Stone bickering with her.

OTM (Bronco Nima & Lucien Price) vs. Good Brothers (“Machine Gun” Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

Nima and Gallows to start, Big Hoot hammering him with uppercuts, straight suplex, roundhouse kick, Anderson tags in and ends up on the wrong side of town, OTM working him over. Neckbreaker on Price, uppercut, duck a lariat, tag to Luke! Right hands and boots, things breaking down, double spinebuster...

OTM win by pinfall with a double spinebuster on Karl Anderson.

Fallon Henley cuts a promo on Sol Ruca, accusing her of “wasting” a title shot.

Sol Ruca is interviewed backstage.

She doesn’t have an issue with Fallon but clearly she has an issue with her, and she’s learned that either you put in the work or you bitch, and it’s pretty obvious which side of that Henley is on.

She makes her entrance and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Charlie Dempsey appears to be loading Damon Kemp into the trunk of a car and screaming about how mistakes won’t be tolerated. He and the rest of NQCC go to drive off when Wren Sinclair is shown begging off and saying she didn’t see anything.

Fallon Henley vs. Sol Ruca

Ruca with a front chancery, flipping out of it when Fallon gets some leverage, snapmare, now it’s Henley’s turn to flip through and land on her feet. Dropkick, whip across, X-Factor connects for two! Hammerlock whip, dropping knees to the arm, Fallon targeting it, dropkick to the side of the head for two!

Standing surfboard, reversed into a victory roll pin for two! Sol springboard elbow, springboard crossbody, kick from the apron, Henley blocks a third springboard and follows with a spin-out X-Factor of her own for two! Back and forth, Sol Snatcher connects but Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx run in and attack during the cover...

Sol Ruca wins by disqualification, presumably.

Post-match the heels hit their finishers on her and taunt her before leaving with Henley.

We get NXT Anonymous footage of Tatum Paxley swanning around and talking to a Barbie backstage complaining about the cool girls not wanting to play with her. She throws the doll away and Wendy Choo picks it up.

We see Brooks Jensen through a door and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Cedric Alexander appears with Ava Raine to say he’s officially on the NXT roster and Stevie Turner takes credit for the deal.

Robert Stone brings Ashante “Thee” Adonis around the way and he and Ava hug and go into her office to work a deal out.

Commentary hypes up next week’s show for us.

Entrances for our main event follow and Joe Hendry is here to tag with Trick!

“All Ego” Ethan Page & Shawn Spears vs. Joe Hendry & Trick Williams

Page and Williams to start, Trick fired up with righteous anger, hip tossing Spears in and All Ego takes advantage of his distraction to cut him off. Williams in the corner, Stinger Splash, tag to Hendry! Off the ropes, double back elbow, fireman’s carry on Spears and he drops him! Delayed vertical suplex on the champion!

Lariat sends All Ego to the floor, tag to Trick Willy, perching, diving crossbody wipes the heels out and sends us to break!

Back from commercial, Ethan working Joe over, he gets away and tags Williams in! Trick in hot, whip reversed, All Ego catches him with a Rock Bottom and kicks him out of the ring! Following out after, diving shoulder off the apron, Shawn legal, neckbreaker for two! Pressing the attack, Willians fights back, caught in a fireman’s carry, he slips out, jumping neckbreaker on Ten Guy!

Oro Mensah attacks Ethan Page out of nowhere, Trick tags Hendry in, lariats, DDT, whip across, crossbody caught, fallaway slam! Joe kips up, “We believe!” chants intensify, passing Spears out to the floor! Trick with a jumping knee, throwing Shawn back inside, Hendry has him...

Joe Hendry & Trick Williams win by pinfall with a high-angle cradle spinebuster from Hendry on Shawn Spears.

Babyfaces stand tall.

That’s the show, folks.

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