How to Pick Up Girls in Coffee Shops & Cafés

Cafés & coffee shops can be good spots to pick up girls in – but spam approaches + direct don’t work. To pick up girls HERE, you need a bit of STRATEGY! Contents 1. Things to Understand 2. How to Pick Up in Cafés Scout Trendy Cafés Meet Girls in Line Don’t Target Baristas Scan for Invitations Selecting a Seat How to Open Her Check Her Logistics When to Instant Date 3. Conclusion I have spent quite a bit of time in cafés and coffee shops over the years. That happens when you run an Internet business and do not have a traditional office-building office. The right coffee shop/café is great for meeting attractive, cool girls at – but you need to know what you’re doing. I have seen guys fumbling around trying to be very direct with girls in coffee shops. This only makes things awkward. I have also seen a lot of guys who fall for a barista and get focused on trying to ask out their favorite coffee brewer; they see her every time and gradually fall in love with her and get oneitis. This

How to Pick Up Girls in Coffee Shops & Cafés

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picking up girls in coffee shopsCafés & coffee shops can be good spots to pick up girls in – but spam approaches + direct don’t work. To pick up girls HERE, you need a bit of STRATEGY!

I have spent quite a bit of time in cafés and coffee shops over the years. That happens when you run an Internet business and do not have a traditional office-building office.

The right coffee shop/café is great for meeting attractive, cool girls at – but you need to know what you’re doing.

I have seen guys fumbling around trying to be very direct with girls in coffee shops. This only makes things awkward. I have also seen a lot of guys who fall for a barista and get focused on trying to ask out their favorite coffee brewer; they see her every time and gradually fall in love with her and get oneitis.

This guide is not on any of that stuff. This is not a “how to do tons of volume hitting on women in coffee shops” guide. Nor is this a guide to “how to pick up your favorite barista” (if you’re looking for something like that, check out my guide to picking up waitresses).

Instead, this is a guide on how to pick up girls in coffee shops and cafés strategically while you are in these places – so you are operating within the ‘rules’ of the venues while not missing out on interested & available girls.

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