How to measure Employee Engagement

In our previous article where we discussed extensively Employee Engagement why it is important, the Hazard of workers not being fully engaged in their work ... Read more

How to measure Employee Engagement


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In our previous article where we discussed extensively Employee Engagement why it is important, the Hazard of workers not being fully engaged in their work and what Strategies you should employ In fulfilling the aim of making your employee engaged, we also emphasised how Employee Engagement can be measured but not on full details, that is why we decided to come to this article  what exactly is employee engagement, and what’s the best way to measure Employee Engagement 

In This article we will discuss the meaning of employee engagement, why it’s essential to measure it, the various methods to measure engagement, the best practices to follow, and how to improve engagement levels in your organization. Whether you’re an HR professional, manager, or business owner, you’ll learn valuable insights into maximizing productivity and retention through robust employee engagement strategies.

Why Measure Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement refers to the level of enthusiasm, dedication, and passion employees have for their work and workplace. Highly engaged employees care about the future of the company and go the extra mile to contribute to success. They find purpose and meaning in their work and take pride in what they do.

On the other hand, disengaged workers are emotionally detached. They just work for the paycheck and lack motivation, they don’t care about Organisation growth, it’s improvement and profitability. This costs organizations in many ways:

Lower productivity – Disengaged workers are less efficient, miss more workdays, and produce lower-quality work. This directly impacts the bottom line.

Higher turnover – Disengaged employees are more likely to quit as they feel no connection to the company. Replacing staff is expensive.

Poor customer experiences – Employees who don’t care often deliver disappointing customer service. This damages the brand’s reputation.

Innovation struggles – Engaged employees are more likely to come up with innovative ideas to improve processes and save costs. Disengaged workers won’t go the extra mile.

Measuring engagement allows organizations to benchmark their levels, uncover problem areas, and take targeted action to improve the situation. It’s a key people metric that leading companies track relentlessly.

Not Engaged Employee

How to Measure Employee Engagement

Many methods exist to measure the engagement level of your workforce. Each has advantages and disadvantages, so it’s ideal to use a combination that is best for your organization. Here are some top options and recommendations;

1. Employee Surveys

Employee Surveys serve as the best way to measure Engagement as this is the best and most common approach used in measuring Engagement. They are different kinds of surveys they are descriptive, Explanatory and Casual Survey, the Casual survey is to be used in measuring Employee engagement. The survey allows all staff back anonymously. Surveys can measure satisfaction, motivation, advocacy, commitment, pride, loyalty, and discretionary effort.


1. Broad feedback, 

2. easy to administer and track over time

3. provide benchmarking data.

4. Cost Effective 

5. it helps to gather data from a larger sample 


1. Survey fatigue is possible if done too frequently, and may need incentives for high response rates.

2. Non-Response as some users may not respond back 

3. Some Information may not be accurate 

2. Focus Groups

This is done by Organizing focus groups of employees to discuss engagement openly and provide qualitative insights. These types of groups can be in the same department such as the Production, and Accounting departments.  This allows and helps you to probe deeper into issues and ideas and even helps you know the issue affecting a particular department.


1. Rich feedback going beyond surveys

2. builds closer relationships.

3. Helps in gathering comprehensive data about a particular group 


1. It may be time-consuming,

2. employees may be hesitant to share honest thoughts.

3.One-on-One Meetings

One-on-one meetings measuring employee engagement require that the manager should consult regular staff check-ins. This provides a safe space for employees to share engagement drivers and obstacles. This goes a long way to knowing the issue affecting each employee and sharing more insight.


1. Personalized conversations to understand nuanced issues.

2. More insight into employee issue 


1. Doesn’t scale like surveys and groups

2 . depends on the manager’s quality.

4.Observational Methods

These kinds of measurements require that HR must observe employees and look for engagement indicators like energy, attitude, motivation and organizational citizenship, this proves more insight into how the employee is fully engaged in the productivity of the organisation 


1. Gives HR insight into departments and roles most affected.

2. It helps to know the most hardworking worker


1. It is Time-consuming as this requires time 

2. The observer can be biased as to choosing the employee who he likes or favours.

5.Productivity Metrics

These measurements type use productivity meters to know the most engaged employee, they can be measured by judging the quality and quantity of serving productsuproducedcedd by the employee during the process of production 

. Tracking productivity KPIs can provide signals on Which employee is engaged most 


1. Data-driven approach using standard business metrics.

2. help to determine the most hardworking worker 


1. Productivity doesn’t always correlate directly with engagement.

5.Turnover Rates

Turnover is a type of measurement using employee Unhappiness or disengagement, some employees disengaged during some don’t always feel happy High turnover rates likely indicate disengagement and unhappiness. Monitoring turnover trends can identify problems.


●Useful benchmark tracked by all companies.


● People leave jobs for many reasons unrelated to engagement.

6.Absenteeism Rates

Workers’ engagement can be measured by the rate of Absenteeism. Frequently absent employees are likely disengaged. Absenteeism measures can help gauge engagement levels.


■ it is Easy to track using existing data.


■ Absences happen for many reasons, not just low engagement.

Best Practices for Measuring Engagement

Keep these best practices in mind as you build out your measurement strategy:

Use a combination of Metrics:Don’t depend on one single method, Single method does not provide the full details of the data you are to collect and measure.  Use surveys, manager feedback, HR observations, productivity data and turnover rates together.

Be consistent:don’t measure Employee Engagement today and you don’t do ur the following months or year. Engagement must be measured consistently at regular intervals to spot trends. Avoid one-off initiatives.

Benchmark:Leverage internal or external benchmark data to compare engagement levels to industry standards.

Segment the data: detailed when we explained the types of methods used in measuring employees,  always break down your data into various group departments, branch office managers, and HOD this will go a loididentifyinggentify areas of strength and weakness for each segment and group.

Act on the findings; Always act on your measurement, don’t measure and just don’t take action Measurement is useless without action. Have strategies to address problematic engagement levels.

Communicate results; you might have an employer or someone in the role of gathering the data, show that you are interested in the measurement, and Share highlights of engagement measurement results with your employees. This demonstrates you listen and care.

Train managers; Always Equip and urge managers, Hand OD to hold effective check-ins, and make it a priority. Their relationships impact engagement most.

Improving Employee Engagement Levels

Once you’ve measured engagement across the company, you can develop data-driven action plans. These strategies help enhance employee passion, commitment and advocacy:

Bolster leadership – under good,  Inspiring, caring and communicative leaders there is to be an increase in employee engagement. empathetic leadership increases engagement. Develop managers into leaders.

Improve company culture: Improve your company culture, Build a culture of open communication, collaboration and recognition. Employees want to feel valued.

Offer development opportunities – Invest in employee growth through training, mentoring and stretch assignments. This stimulates engagement.

Set clear expectations – Uncertainty is demotivating. Ensure employees understand their role objectives and priorities.

Acknowledge good work – Notice and appreciate employee achievements through rewards, events and days off.

Collect feedback frequently – Don’t just survey annually. Gather employee feedback often so it feels like an ongoing conversation.


Measuring Employee Engagement can be stressful and time-consuming but this truly proves effective intumescent,  as this gives your organization value.  It helps you to increase productivity,  performance,  retention and innovation through the birth of ideas. Don’t rely on one method use a combination of MeMethodssrom from time to time but always make sure this method aligns with the structure and objective of the Company. Always act on your data Employees with higher engagement which is gathered through the method should be awarded and those with lower engagement shout be encouraged. As a manager when you show the employee that you love and care, they will work for you with their hard and produce the best value for your company.

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