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Linda like other young ladies live most of her life in luxurious of pleasures and vanities.

She has a strong Christian background, strong believing parents but yet she keeps seeing herself sinking deeper in ocean of immoralities and iniquities.

While in school , some of her colleagues approach her with the word of life — keep on inviting her for crusade and church fellowship while she keeps giving excuses.

......before the dead of sister Linda... ..she was invited for a church fellowship.

On that fateful Sunday morning... She attended the revival meetings at the Church

However deep conviction settled on her soul and she wept  and said she would like to find peace, but unfortunately she was not yet ready to give up the pleasures of the world as most ladies are doing today.

To drown her convictions, she absented herself from the house of God....decided to turn down every church invitation and spend most of her time in night clubs, Cinema Hall, Casino, online dating and pleasure.

Time hurried on and soon she was on her death bed afflicted with an incurable illness .... 

Now realizing her condition, she sent for a friend who had attended the meetings with her in the church and who listened to the spiritual pleadings and the joy of pardoning love In Christ.

This her Christian friend hurried to the bedside of her dying friend.... .and below  was her last statement.


As she entered the room, the dying lady looked at her with eyes of terror, and grasping her hand she exclaimed,

...."Oh, stay with me, till I am gone! 

....I am dying and going to Hell!

....Tell the Pastor (The minister that preach to them) to Continue preaching about Hell  as he has never preached it before, for I am going to Hell!"

Then, pointing to her house , she said,... "Go there and looked into my wardrobe and you will see what has ruined my soul." 

While her friend was about to take her leave.. As she opened the hospital door and looking back to behold her dying friend on the hospital bed.... looking at her rich fashionable friend who spends most of her time in sexual immoralities and making huge income as slay Queen. 

Turning back.... sighting her friend as she gently raised herself up and sand the hymn she had so often heard at the church meeting:

√ "Parting to meet again at the Judgment,

√ Parting to meet no more here below;

√ Oh, how sad the thought to thee,

√ Traveler to eternity, 

√ Parting to meet again at the Judgment.

As the last word fell from her lips she fell back on the pillow and her soul passed into eternity to meet the God whose mercy she had trifled with and turned for the gaudy toys of this earth .

Dear reader, take warning from this sad death story and turn away from vanities of earth and give God your heart and life's service, and eternal happiness shall be yours...


....... "Rest in peace sis Sade" were the messages that flooded in one of our WhatsApp groups. 

......Her obituary was already out... 

.....Sis Sade was the person who lead one of mine sister to Christ..... 

The sister name was Helen below was her ordeals and physical encounter with Sister Shade.. 

She wrote and said....

"In fact, Sister Sade is an epitome of beauty with brain. She is a dedicated sister. She sings like an angel. She is a deep teacher of the word of God. Keep resting in the bosom of the Almighty God"..... 

She Continue......

My name is Helen. I am Sis Sade's roommate. Sis Sade was a devoted Christian.....Her spiritual life really challenged me. 

She carried special anointing. But, little did I know that my roommate drifted away from Christ few months before her death.

I never knew she was involved in secret sins .

Despite the fact that she was involved in secret sins, she was actively involved in the work of God.

Last week, I noticed she was vomiting very early in the morning. I was surprised because I have never seen her vomit like that before. 

I interrogated her. But she told me she was fine. ...I took her to the hospital, they gave her drugs based on her complaints.

Yesterday morning, I noticed my roommate was heavily bleeding. I was shocked to my marrow.

"Sade, you are bleeding " I asked her....

The bleeding did not stop. Her bed was filled with blood. I became worried. I ran out to call others to arrange a vehicle that will urgently convey her to the hospital.

Immediately we got there, she was examined. My friend was feeling too weak as a result of the loss of blood.

The doctor announced to me that she took the wrong drugs while trying to abort her pregnancy.

"Pre-g-n-a-cy??"  ...I screamed. 

"How can a holy sister be pregnant".... I cried out.

Sade was feeling weak and at the same time sobbing.

"Helen, I have missed it. Bro Bayo is responsible for the pregnancy" she said.

"Bro Bayo, the general coordinator?" I asked. 

She nodded faintly.

"Yeeehhhhhhhhh!!!" I screamed....

"Sis Sade, why??" I asked.

" I tried aborting the pregnancy so that no one will be aware of our secret acts. I have missed it" ....She said.

"You know what, it's too late to cry over spilt milk. Trace your steps back to calvary".....I said. 

But I noticed she was becoming weaker.

"Sade, please, say after me... ". I said, but she cut in....

"Hell  , I feel fire all over my body".. ..were the words she was saying.

Then she gave up the ghost....

"I cried.... Haaaa! sis Sade, you can't leave me alone like this" I said as I was hitting her body.

Then it dawn on me that Sade died without repenting from her sins. 

Tears flowed freely from my eyes. That was how Sis Sade lived her life.

She had no opportunity to ask for the forgiveness of her sin.

I was also disappointed in her. I did not know that Sis Sade and Bro Bayo could be involved in secret sin.

I sat on the ground and wept bitterly.... As I was weeping, the Spirit of God ministered to me.

He made me to understand that not everyone doing His work is really working for Him.

Some people claim to work for Him, whereas they have been forgotten. They are abandoned vessels.

I cried out.. "Lord, have mercy on me. Don't let me be an abandoned vessel"...


Not everyone that call on the name "Lord, Lord" shall enter into the kingdom of God except those that do the will of God.

Friends.. Please check your life now..

You might be deceiving your church leaders, parents etc, but you cannot deceive God. 

You can hide your sins from man, but God's eyes sees everything.

What you call secret sins are open before the eyes of God?..

> If rapture comes right now, will you go? 

> If death knocks at the door right now, will you see Jesus at the end of your life.

It is not too late for you to trace your steps back to God. Expose your secret sins and seek for forgiveness.

If you have not given your life to Christ, do so before it is too late.

Brethren, watch and pray.....He that thinketh he stands must always examine himself to see if he is still in faith.


The most important thing is your usability, not your availability, for you to be used by God you have to be usable, it is not just about God use me but are you usable? 

• Can God use you for something? 

If God must use you, you must be usable....


You must understand that you must be holy and set apart, fit for the Master's use. 

He said come out from them and be separate, touch no unclean things. 

This is not a message of judgment, we must call a spade a spade, let us stop decorating sin, don't make sin seem like a weakness, or times have changed. 

Times have changed but God has not, His standards will remain the same.

I have heard so many people talk about the grace message, I am not against the message of grace, we are all products of grace there are some things you are doing that are not good. 

If God is going to use you, you must consecrate yourself, we must come to that place where we say we can't be like the world.

... Others may but I cannot, there are some things I cannot do, people may say it is okay but for me, it is not okay not because I am proud but because of my destiny, because of where I am going to.

Why you are allowing the things you are doing now is because you don't know where you are going to, you don't know what God will use you for that is why you are allowing that boy to press your breast anyhow.

You are sending nudes Pictures through the internet that do not forget so by the time you are fifty and your children are thirty their friends will say this picture just be like your mama when she young o, na your mama be this?

People have made crazy mistakes, you send nudes because you love him and he loves you, most of those relationships don't end in marriage so you have your nudes with about five guys.

There are some things you cannot do for the sake of your destiny, they unbutton four buttons, you button up, they cut slit, sew yours down.

I see all kinds of crazy things happening, Satan is very clever, he is setting the tone for what he wants to achieve, what makes something fashionable is what we see trending, if you go to a wedding, you feel like you are not trending, you set the trend, that is what it means to be revived that you understand your calling and you are confident in it, 

.....you don't care about what other people are doing, you know the One who sent you and what He sent you to do.

One of the things you should be comfortable with is your identity, who you are in Christ, it is okay to be you, you are enough.

There are some things I will never do, not because my assignment is better than yours, I won't just do it because I know where I am going. 

.....'Another person thing no dey enter my eye

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