Dear Men, Do Not Ask A Girl These Questions Because She Might Hate You

Dear Males, despite the fact that we are identical to you in every manner, the way that we think sets us apart from you in

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Dear Males, despite the fact that we are identical to you in every manner, the way that we think sets us apart from you in every way. Something that may sound very innocent and genuine to you may be absolutely devastating and significant for us. This may be something that you may not realize.

Is it not more prudent to make preparations in order to prevent making regrettable decisions in the future? In light of this, the following is a list of questions that you should never ask a lady, regardless of how eager you are to learn the response. If there is one thing that the majority of males learn as they move forward in life, it is that there are times when it is best to say absolutely nothing at all. In addition, it seems that this image is most helpful when questions that are tailored specifically to women are asked. Maybe you had an inkling of this the last time you asked a young woman her age or, even worse, her weight. If so, you should have known better.

1) I am aware that you are in a relationship, but I was wondering if it would be possible for us to become friends in the future.

If you both wish to maintain a friendly relationship with one another, then the answer to this question must be yes. The fact of the issue is that it will make you appear less desirable, but if all you want is a buddy, it shouldn’t matter too much even if this is the case.

2) If you had to guess, how old would you say you are?

It is not a terrible idea to pose this question to a woman who appears to be younger than the ages of 25 and 27, or even younger if she is younger than you. Nevertheless, if you ask this question to a lady who is 30 years old or older, you run the risk of making her feel embarrassed about herself. It could be for the best to put this one on hold until you and the other person are more familiar with one other.

3) Is your work completely unique?

Yet, the fact that the lady does not have any formal training in design and is not a professional in the field does not indicate that she is not able to make a career from doing it. Do not make any attempt to devalue women as a gender.

4) Do you not have any experience in the kitchen?

The fact that we are female and have X chromosomes does not obligate us to spend our days in the kitchen preparing meals. If a woman does not have to prepare meals for her family, then she should not do so.

5) Would you mind if I kissed you sometime?

It is not a good idea, as a general rule, to ask her permission to kiss you prior to actually engaging in the act of doing so.

6) To what extent can I presume that you have never had a sexual encounter?

Elite males, You shouldn’t even consider asking the question, much less outright pose the query. You shouldn’t even bother asking that question if you don’t want to end up getting beaten up. It makes no difference whether we have or have not previously engaged in sexual activity together. Nobody else’s or your own life ought to be negatively impacted by this in any way.

7) I’m writing to inquire as to whether or not you might provide me the courtesy of your company

If you are the male and you ask a woman to come see you, she may begin to believe that you have made some type of plan to sexually harass her and that you intend to do so when she does see you.

8) It’s been five months since you gave birth, but your stomach still has the appearance of being pregnant. Why is that?

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