Could a Mustache Be the Key to Improving Your Dating Life?

Good News: It Turns Out Your Movember 'Stache Might Also Be a Dating Turn-On

Could a Mustache Be the Key to Improving Your Dating Life?

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It's early November still, which means many of you out there are in the process of growing out your mustaches to raise awareness (and hopefully some funds!) for Movember, designed to address men's health issues, particularly prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and suicide.

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And while we're totally, 100% on board with you doing something noble with your month, we also want to point out — for some added motivation — that more and more young people regard mustaches as fashionable right now.

The Story

In a study commissioned by digital entertainment giant SEGA to celebrate their partnership with the Movember charity, a picture emerged of Generation Z as being far more willing, even downright eager, to embrace the mustache. Moe than a third of study participants (34%) had already participated in Movember, for example, and among those who listed a reason for growing out their facial hair, nearly one-fifth cited the desire to emulate a celebrity or famous fictional character. (And because we know you're curious, Freddie Mercury was the #1 mustache model).

The Snapshot

Mustaches have been unfairly maligned in recent years, probably because too many men don't properly upkeep their facial hair, resulting in unkempt beards and unsightly crumbs caught in upper-lip hair, but the Gen Z men might be single-handedly turning things around. According to the study, a full 39% of Gen Z responders believe mustaches are in style, with 48% of mustache-sporters reporting regular compliments on their facial hair. 

But don't trust us: ask the women. Nearly a quarter (23%) think that a mustache makes a man more attractive, while 1 in 5 report being more likely to date a man with a mustache. And bad news for the follicularly-challenged: a full 14% of Generation-Z women say they would get "the ick" if they learned their man wasn't capable of growing out his facial hair.

The Lesson

Men definitely get the short end of the stick when it comes to fashion and accessories they can use to upgrade their appearance, but the lesson here is that we have a natural option to earn ourselves more swipes. Take the time to experiment with your facial hair. Learn what kinds of mustaches you're capable of growing, and what it takes to keep your facial hair shiny and well groomed. Then go forth, full-stached, knowing that your mustachioed mug is having a style moment — at least with the under-30s.

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