18 Signs that you’re in a toxic relationship

18 Signs that you’re in a toxic relationship   A toxic relationship is one in which two people don’t communicate or relate to one another in healthy ways, and where conflict easily arises. In these relationships, at least one person tries to minimize the other’s perspective and increase their competitive nature. There tends to be […]

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18 Signs that you're in a toxic relationship

18 Signs that you’re in a toxic relationship


A toxic relationship is one in which two people don’t communicate or relate to one another in healthy ways, and where conflict easily arises. In these relationships, at least one person tries to minimize the other’s perspective and increase their competitive nature. There tends to be a lack of support and general unpleasantness.

But sometimes, toxic relationships can be hard to identify.
But there are some behaviors that clearly cross a line—like any kind of abuse, be it physical, emotional, verbal, or financial. Other signs are subtler but can be just as problematic.

“Every single relationship has a level of toxicity. Nothing is perfect—there’s always some work to be done,” says Ginnie Love Thompson, PhD, a psychotherapist in Florida. But it’s when toxicity spirals out of control that problems arise. “If you feel uneasy, you need to stop yourself and ask what the cause is,” says Thompson.

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Here are 18 Signs that you need to get rid of toxic relationship or people in your life:

  • There Is Constant Dismissiveness or Belittling.
  • You consistently don’t feel heard or seen.
  • Silence Is Frequently Used as a Weapon.
  • Your partner attempts to force or shame you into doing things you don’t want to do.
  • One Person Asserts Total Dominance Over Finances.
  • You constantly Feel Unsafe — Physically or Emotionally
  • You are more attached to the way you wish your partner would be rather than the way your partner actually is. You are continuously looking for your partner to change, and if things remain the way they are now, you don’t think you will ever be happy in this relationship.
  • The relationship feels as if it is way too much work, and you don’t see evidence that this is going to change.
  • There’s Constant Gaslighting.
  • There’s a clear imbalance of power.
  • Your partner is controlling and excessively jealous.
  • You find yourself justifying why you’re staying in the relationship, especially to those people close to you. You defend or give justifications about the relationship to others, or you refrain from telling them what is actually happening because you don’t want them to disapprove of you or of the relationship.
  • You’re not practicing self-care.
  • You need to perpetually rescue your partner from him or herself—including his/her words, behaviors or conduct. Or your partner is substance addicted and therefore not fully in control of his/her actions.
  • You constantly feel drained.
  • Negativity Bias — These experiences make a person assume a circumstance is going to result in the same manner and react negatively before the other person even has a chance to respond or act.
  • Lack of Trust.
  • Self-Sabotage — when you or the other person in your relationship may be deliberately or subconsciously sabotaging the relationship for a number of reasons.

It is important to keep your eyes open to red flags as a toxic relationship(s) can have serious and severe consequences. Some of such consequences can be to your long-term health.

Once you get rid of toxic relationship circumstances, your life will quickly begin to head in a positive direction, your self-confidence will return, you will begin to succeed at work, your other relationships will return to ones of positivity and you will feel happier each day.

©️Lively Stones

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