What’s The Best Automotive Slogan Of All Time?

Automakers invest vast sums in advertising, yet only a few slogans manage to stand the test of time

What’s The Best Automotive Slogan Of All Time?

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Chevrolet recently introduced its new slogan, “Together let’s drive,” which has garnered a mixed reaction. One of our readers, Ben, suggested that slogans could be a great topic for the question of the day. We’re happy to oblige, so we’re asking what’s the best automotive slogan of all time.

Ben put forward Jaguar’s classic “Grace.. space… pace,” which was used to promote an assortment of models including the fabulous E-Type. Caen suggested Cadillac’s Standard of the World, while others praised BMW’s iconic Ultimate Driving Machine.

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Since we kicked things off with Chevy, we might as well mention “Like A Rock,” which was originally a Bob Seger song before becoming an iconic piece of advertising in 1991. Interestingly, Ultimate Classic Rock quotes the singer as saying “When Chevy asked for it, for a long time I turned it down, because I just didn’t want it to be in an ad.”

Putting Chevy aside, I’ve always been fond of Skoda’s “Simply Clever.” The Best or Nothing is also iconic, while Packard’s “Ask the Man Who Owns One” is an old school classic.

With all that being said, what are your favorite automotive slogans?

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