WHAT isn't LOVE 


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1. Love isn't staying up till 3 am in the night to talk to each other every third day.

-That's not Love, it's immaturity.

2. Love isn't sacrificing your goals for someone.

-Instead, you help each other achieve your goals.

3. Love isn't chasing them after they leave you and saying that “Please I love you, don't leave me”.

-That's not love, that's just you being needy on the inside for someone who doesn't care about you, because if it was love, they would have stayed and figured things out with you.

4. Love isn't about how perfect a relationship you have or how perfect a partner you have.

-It's about how you accept each other's imperfections and are willing to put in consistent efforts. Because in the end what matters is how the both of you go through your tough times and make the best out of your beautiful relationship.

5. Love isn't constantly trying to make sure of the fact that your partner might cheat on you because you are scared to lose them.

-That's just a lack of trust on your side because of some experience that you might have. It's not wrong to feel this way but it will lead to unnecessary drama. Trust is the underlying foundation of a relationship so you should work on that first.

6. Love isn't depending on your partner for everything.

-It's about also having a life of your own. Relationship is a part of your life. Not your life. You should have your own life, goals, and friends as well.

Hope many of you find this worthy to read!

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