Service Providers Assures Rivers  of Clean Environment

Blessing Ibunge in Port Harcourt The Rivers State Waste Management Agency (RIWAMA) Service Providers Union has expressed appreciation to Governor Siminalayi Fubara for approving 40 per cent increase in their monthly

Service Providers Assures Rivers  of Clean Environment

Blessing Ibunge in Port Harcourt

The Rivers State Waste Management Agency (RIWAMA) Service Providers Union has expressed appreciation to Governor Siminalayi Fubara for approving 40 per cent increase in their monthly payment.

The union also promised to support governor Fubara’s administration in achieving a clean state.

Speaking with journalists in Port Harcourt, the union Chairman, David Sikpa, explained that the service providers had cried out over the harsh economic realities in the country, prompting the governor to invite them for a dialogue and approved the increased payment after listening to their plights. 

According to Sikpa, “Governor Fubara has shown to be a good administrator and a listening governor who understands the plight of the service providers, hence the directive, which has now been effected in March payment”. 

He ,however, tasked all service providers to rise to the occasion by performing their duties effectively and justify why the governor has reposed confidence in them. 

“We are overwhelmed by his (Fubara) leadership style and show of love towards mankind and we pray the good Lord in his infinite mercies to continually direct his steps in piloting the affairs of the state without distractions.

“We will give our support to his administration and also assure him of our tireless efforts to actualise his plans of bringing Port Harcourt back to its Garden City status,” Sikpa added.

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