NXT live blog: Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifiers

Follow along with this week’s episode, featuring the start of Iron Survivor Challenge qualifiers, and a whole lot more! Here’s a place to check results and comment along with the newest episode of WWE NXT, airing live on Wednesday night in the 8 pm ET time slot on CW. Advertised for tonight: It’s time to get the build to Deadline going properly, as Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifiers begin. That will include Je’Von Evans taking on Lexis King on the men’s side while Sol Ruca battles Cora Jade on the women’s side. Elsewhere, NXT Champion Trick Williams will appear on the show to talk about whatever is next for him (it’s probably Ridge Holland), Fallon Henley puts the women’s North American title on the line against Kelani Jordan, and a whole lot more! Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the NXT live blog kicks off once the show starts on CW. A running record of everything that happens will be below this line here. Enjoy the show! WWE NXT RESULTS AND LIVE BLOG FOR NOV. 1

NXT live blog: Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifiers


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Follow along with this week’s episode, featuring the start of Iron Survivor Challenge qualifiers, and a whole lot more!

Here’s a place to check results and comment along with the newest episode of WWE NXT, airing live on Wednesday night in the 8 pm ET time slot on CW.

Advertised for tonight: It’s time to get the build to Deadline going properly, as Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifiers begin.

That will include Je’Von Evans taking on Lexis King on the men’s side while Sol Ruca battles Cora Jade on the women’s side. Elsewhere, NXT Champion Trick Williams will appear on the show to talk about whatever is next for him (it’s probably Ridge Holland), Fallon Henley puts the women’s North American title on the line against Kelani Jordan, and a whole lot more!

Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the NXT live blog kicks off once the show starts on CW. A running record of everything that happens will be below this line here.

Enjoy the show!


No lyrics today y’all, I have a colossal migraine and got up from a nap ten minutes before showtime with no energy to hunt some down.

On with the show!

The show opens with commentary welcoming us to show and tossing to a recap of last week’s show.

Meta-Girls get an inset promo during their entrance talking about how they’re going to win tonight and so on and so forth.

Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer vs. Meta-Girls (Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend)

Legend and Giulia to start, pump kick, tag to Jackson for double-teams and a dropkick for two. Jakara follows it with a missile dropkick, another nearfall, fireman’s carry, Giulia reverses to an octopus hold and gets her in the ropes enough for a tag to Vaquer! Double elbow drops, cover for two!

Stephanie with the figure four headscissors, smashing Jackson’s head into the mat over and over but she gets away and tags Lash back in! Right hands, Giulia runs in and grabs a crucifix, Legend unmoved, Vaquer with a superkick, still nothing and Lash picks her up too and dribbles both their heads in the ropes before chucking them to the floor!

Jakara on her shoulders, walking her to the ropes, assisted plancha and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Legend connects with a delayed vertical suplex on Vaquer and tags Jackson back in! Japanese stranglehold applied, Stephanie to her feet, trying to fight out but Jakara takes her right back down! Whip into the corner, Vaquer rolls under, tag to Giulia! In hot, dropkick and elbows, duck a lariat and she cracks a headbutt off!

Legend runs in, she blocks a tilt-a-whirl but Giulia completes it into a sunset flip! Ping-ponging Jakara between them, double back suplex, Lash breaks it up! Superkick and a Codebreaker sends her packing, wrecking ball dropkick follows, Jackson rolls Vaquer up for two! Waistlock, standing switch, tag to Giulia and a missile dropkick off the top!

Stephanie with the package brainbuster over the knee, clutching Jackson’s wrists...

Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer win by pinfall with stereo knee strikes on Jakara Jackson.

Post-match, Giulia and Stephanie are interviewed about Iron Survivor Challenge qualifying matches and they have a face-off over the idea that they’re both going to end up in the women’s Iron Survivor Challenge match.

An Iron Survivor Challenge explainer video follows.

Sol Ruca makes her entrance to send us to break.

Back from commercial, we get some hype for some of the NXT roster being on Trivial Pursuit with Levar Burton, which okay sure.

Cora Jade cuts an inset promo about how great she is and how she’s gonna win.

Cora Jade vs. Sol Ruca (Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying Match)

Ruca pops up in the turnbuckles, Jade yells at her to get down like she’s a naughty cat, Sol pops down and takes her down and stands on her back like she’s riding a surfboard! Basement superkick follows, whip reversed, rising knee from Cora! Slingshot stomp follows for a nearfall!

Jade taunting her, jawbreaker counters, trading right hands with abandon, Ruca ducks under for a lariat and follows it with a flying shoulder block and a pair of springboard crossbodies! Float over in the corner, Solo with a kick, she springboards and Cora trips her up! Underhooks, shoved off, sidestep the knee, Sol up in the corner...

Sol Ruca wins by pinfall with Soul Snatcher, qualifying for the women’s Iron Survivor Challenge match.

Je’Von Evans and Cedric Alexander walk and talk about their own Iron Survivor Challenge matches.

Dion Lennox is talking to Karmen Petrovic about her favorite color and she gets lost in a tangent about the yellow beanie that Ashante Adonis wore when he distracted her before saying her favorite color is red, which is one of the objective best colors.

Adonis rolls up and Dion proposes a tag match for next week so he and Karmen can get on the same page, which is infuriating but oh well we’re going to break.

Back from commercial, Ava Raine is holding a summit with the tag team division where she says she’s looking for the next team to step up and puts over the bonafides of Gallus, Hank and Tank, No Quarter Catch Crew, OTM, Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe, as well as the D’Angelo Family in turn.

They all bicker about who’s best and Ava says that’s the energy she wants but she needs them to show it in the ring.

Cedric Alexander vs. Wes Lee (Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying Match)

Collar and elbow, Alexander shoves him down, Lee with a side headlock, back and forth in the mat grappling, Wes sent to the floor and Cedric lands a tope con giro to send us to break!

Back from commercial, Alexander striking away, dropkick right to the back of the head, Lee stumbles into the corner, action to the apron and Cedric hits an STO on the apron! Back inside, springboard reverse STO... NOT ENOUGH! Back and forth, Cardiac Kick... ALEXANDER KICKS OUT!

Turnbuckle removed in a struggle, referee Darryl Sharma putting the turnbuckle back and he blows the count on a Michinoku Driver from Cedric! Charging in, drop toehold, Alexander goes face-first into the turnbuckle...

Wes Lee wins by pinfall with double knees, qualifying for the men’s Iron Survivor Challenge match.

Tony D’Angelo is eating at his restaurant when Shawn Spears rolls up with Brooks Jensen in tow.

They have a bit of banter and Spears says he came here for the title and a lot of guys come in here and turn the place upside down, and anyway he wants Brooks to wrestle the title match.

When Brooks and Spears get in their car to leave, Shawn has a meaningful word with the driver and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Kelani Jordan is interviewed.

She talks about how she’s gonna rush Fallon Henley and get her title back tonight, and the other two Fatal Influence girls roll up to say that if, for some reason, Henley can’t get it done, they’ll make sure the title stays safe with them.

Trick Williams makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

He talks about last week’s show and says Ridge Holland thinks he got one over on him by pinning him last week, but he’s not going down like that, and he wants him to get his punk—

Andre Chase appears in the crowd.

He apologizes for the interruption and says he doesn’t have beef with Trick, but he’s not done with Ridge by a longshot. Williams says after everything Holland did to destroy Chase U. he gets it, and we should all take a moment and recognize Chase for the hard work of bouncing back.

He says Andre has done everything in NXT... well, not *everything* now that he thinks about it, so how about for one day only think about everything—

Enter Ridge Holland.

He’s mad at the idea of Andre getting an NXT Championship match. and he refuses to have another match against Chase. Andre offers to put Chase U on the line and Ridge says he doesn’t care about his precious little university, and the only thing he cares about is the NXT Championship.

Trick cuts the baby down the middle and makes a match for next week— Chase vs. Holland, winner gets a title shot. He admits he’s pulling for Andre and somehow it turns into a stipulation where if Ridge wins, Chase U disbands as a wrestling faction.

Chase accepts the challenge, Holland decks him, and Trick takes Ridge out with a Book End! Williams and Andre work together to hit the C-H-A-S-E-U stomps!

Jaida Parker cuts a promo congratulating Sol Ruca on qualifying for Iron Survivor Challenge but says she’s gonna win the match.

Nikkita Lyons makes her entrance to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Yoshiki Inamura and Josh Briggs are meeting with Ava Raine.

Inamura talks about what an honor it is to be on excursion in NXT when Eddy Thorpe rolls up to complain about getting blown off again.

Ava tells him she booked him in an Iron Survivor Challenge match and he’s grateful.

Adrianna Rizzo vs. Nikkita Lyons

Lyons charges in, Rizzo sidesteps and slaps her! To the apron, headbutt, slingshot sunset flip denied, Nikkita hosses her up for an elbow! Trading right hands, to the apron, Lyons with repeated hip checks, back inside, cover for two! Adrianna swatting away at her, blocked, springboard body press connects!

Rizzo with a Lou Thesz Press and punches, cover for two! Nikkita comes back...

Nikkita Lyons wins by pinfall with a Vader Bomb.

Post-match, Rizzo lays Lyons out with the crowbar!

Andre Chase is backstage with Chase U, who are distraught that the faction is on the line, but he brings ‘em in and says they’ve been through it all together and nothing will break them up.

Je’Von Evans makes his entrance to send us to break.

Back from commercial, we get a hype reel for Zaria.

Je’Von Evans vs. Lexis King (Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying Match)

Fast-paced grappling to start, Evans working a wristlock, off the ropes, Arabian press tijeras sets up a dropkick and King falls to the floor! Je’Von off the ropes and he wipes him out with a suicide dive! Lexis accidentally nails Evans in the gentleman’s area and refuses to capitalize on it as we go to break!

Back from commercial, Evans with a Matrix evasion into an Ace Crusher, straight suplex, to the apron, springboard crossbody connects! Je’Von perching, moonsault, nobody home, roll through but King blasts him with a superkick... STILL NO! Big boot gets a corkscrew kick, Evans up top but Lexis kicks out of the frog splash!

Lungblower from King, fisherman Michinoku Driver... SO CLOSE! Je’Von double jumps...

Je’Von Evans wins by pinfall with a double jump tornillo, qualifying for the men’s Iron Survivor Challenge match.

Fraxiom are backstage talking about Iron Survivor and the tag division stuff, whereupon Nathan Frazer informs Axiom that he got himself an Iron Survivor Challenge qualifying match. Axiom is mad at him.

OTM roll up to be intimidating, the D’Angelo Family appears to counteract them, and referees swarm to keep a fight from breaking out.

Walking happens and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Dion Lennox and Ashante “Thee” Adonis walk off together as Lexis King comes into the locker room frustrated about losing.

Hank and Tank tell him he did a good job and Dante Chen joins in the pep talk as well before Gallus roll up to call them all pathetic. The tag teams bicker amongst themselves.

Fallon Henley (c) vs. Kelani Jordan (NXT Women’s North American Championship)

Collar and elbow, struggling into the corner, into the ropes, refere calls for the break and they break clean but get right back into it, trading quick nearfalls! Henley with a chop, Jordan gets in her face and they jaw, Fallon with a shove, off the ropes, Kelani drops her!

Springboard arm drag connects, dropkick misses and Henley rams her into the corner and shoulder blocks her repeatedly! Action to the floor, Kelani lays her out and we go to break!

Back from commercial, both women wipe out in the middle of the ring! Jordan recovers, standing shooting star press gets two, dragging Henley into the corner but she pops up and pulls her down! Blockbuster, spin-out X-Factor, cover.... NOPE! Kelani with a Spanish Fly... STILL NO!

Nobody home on the 450 splash, Fallon with a bodyscissors pin for two! Big spin-out back suplex, Jordan off the top with the split-legged moonsault... JACY JAYNE PUTS FALLON’S FOOT ON THE ROPES! Jayne blasts Kelani with an elbow, Henley takes full advantage of the second chance...

Fallon Henley wins by pinfall with a Fameasser, retaining the NXT Women’s North American Championship.

Fatal Influence stand tall with the title on the stage.

OTM grab a headset and yell about how they’re gonna win the tag titles, but the D’Angelo Family blindsides them and they brawl around ringside while Booker T is increasingly excited about seeing a fight on a wrestling program.

Hank and Tank join the fray, Gallus, the entire tag division is here as referees swarm and we run outta time!

That’s the show, folks.

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