Joshua Adegbala may be the most optimistic IT guy we’ve met so far

Joshua Adegbala may be the most optimistic IT guy we’ve met so far Our techie this week, Joshua Adegbala is living proof that if Plan A doesn’t work, there are 25… TechCity

Joshua Adegbala may be the most optimistic IT guy we’ve met so far

Joshua Adegbala may be the most optimistic IT guy we’ve met so far

Our techie this week, Joshua Adegbala is living proof that if Plan A doesn’t work, there are 25 more letters in the alphabet.

Though his childhood aspirations soared towards the sky, but as reality set in, Joshua’s path took a fascinating turn, leading him to a fulfilling career in tech.

Read on for Joshua’s inspiring journey to becoming an IT Support Specialist.

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Hello Joshua. How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

Joshua: As an IT Support Specialist, with a knack for problem solving and a deep passion for learning new technologies. I’m particularly interested in Network administration and security and that’s the only aspect of tech I really see myself thriving in. I’m a home buddy too. The “there’s rice at home” kind of person.                                                             <div class= Read Original