How to frame an Oil painting: step by step guide

Oil painting is one of the most popular, oldest and versatile forms of painting that depict the form of art. When done it can stunning effect of colour ,texture and light and it can capture the beautification and emotion of any subject. However these beautiful require special care like making sure it does not accumulate … How to frame an Oil painting: step by step guide Read More » The post How to frame an Oil painting: step by step guide appeared first on Memoiristportal.

How to frame an Oil painting: step by step guide

Oil painting is one of the most popular, oldest and versatile forms of painting that depict the form of art. When done it can stunning effect of colour ,texture and light and it can capture the beautification and emotion of any subject. However these beautiful require special care like making sure it does not accumulate dirty and protecting it from stains .One of the way to safe guard it is to frame the picture.Framing an oil painting will preserve the paint,improve it’s appearance, protect it from harm and showcase its beauty in your home and gallery. 

Then How can I frame my oil painting? Can I do it myself, what are the best way to frame oil painting , materials and stepping used in framing the picture. Knowing how to frame your oil painting yourself will help to save you cost during your painting processing. In this article we will show how to frame your oil painting yourself from choosing the best frame to use, best equipment needed and where to hang the framed oil painting for best appearance.

Why Frame an Oil Painting?

Why should I frame my oil painting?. Framing an oil painting is not just a matter of aesthetics, it is also a matter in the area of preservation and presentation. Here are some of the benefits of framing an oil painting:

-Framing protects your oil painting from damage: Oil paintings are vulnerable to dust, moisture, insects, UV rays, temperature changes, and physical impact. These factors can cause fading, cracking, warping, mold, and other problems that can ruin your artwork. A good frame can provide a barrier between your oil painting and the external environment, keeping it safe and sound.

– Framing improve your oil painting’s appearance: A frame can create a defined boundary around your oil painting, drawing attention to its details and colors. A frame can also complement or contrast your oil painting’s style, mood, and theme, creating a harmonious or dramatic effect. A frame can also make your oil painting look more professional and valuable.

-Framing showcases your oil painting in your home or gallery: A frame can help you display your oil painting in the best possible way. A frame can help you choose the right location and position for your oil painting, making sure it gets enough light and visibility. A frame can also help you hang your oil painting securely and safely, preventing it from falling or tilting.

How to Choose the Right Frame for Your Oil Painting

Choosing the best and right frame matters a lot when framing it is considered One of the most important steps in framing an oil painting . There are many types of frames which you can use for oil painting framing, but it is best you consider the Advantages and disadvantages each frame possess  . Here are some of the main types of frames for oil paintings:

– Baguette or float frames:These are flat panels of wood or metal that fit along the edges of your oil painting without covering any part of it. They create a minimalistic and modern look that emphasizes the work itself. They are ideal for abstract or contemporary oil paintings that have strong colors or shapes.

-Traditional frames:These are metal or wood frames that cover the edges of your oil painting and have some details or patterns on them. They create a classic and elegant look that adds some visual interest to the work. They are ideal for realistic or historical oil paintings that have fine details or subtle colors.

-Antique frames:These are ornate frames that have intricate designs or carvings on them. They create a luxurious and vintage look that enhances the value and prestige of the work. They are ideal for high-end or older oil paintings that have a rich history or style.

Several factors that you should consider When choosing a frame for your oil painting such as:

-The size of your oil painting: The frame should fit your oil painting perfectly, without leaving any gaps or overlaps. The frame should also be proportional to your oil painting, not too big or too small. A general rule of thumb is that the frame should be about 10% of the width of your oil painting. For example, if your oil painting is 20 inches wide, the frame should be about 2 inches wide.make no mistake of using oversized frame as this can damage the painting 

– The color of your oil painting:The frame should match or contrast the color scheme of your oil painting, depending on the effect you want to create. Frame that match with your painting  can create a harmonious and balanced look, while a opposite frame can create a dynamic and eye-catching look. You can use a color wheel to help you choose the right frame color for your oil painting. For example, if your oil painting has warm colors like red, orange, or yellow, you can choose a frame that has cool colors like blue, green, or purple, or vice versa.

– The style of your oil painting:The frame should reflect or contrast the style of your oil painting, depending on the effect you want to create. A matching frame can create a consistent and coherent look, while a contrasting frame can create a surprising and interesting look. You can use your artistic intuition to help you choose the right frame style for your oil painting. For example, if your oil painting is realistic and detailed, you can choose a frame that is simple and plain, or vice versa.

Tips and tricks for finding the perfect frame for your oil painting:

– Look at examples of framed oil paintings: You can get some inspiration and ideas from looking at how other artists or collectors have framed their oil paintings. You can visit art galleries, museums, websites, blogs, magazines, or books that feature framed oil paintings. You can also ask for advice from other artists or experts who have experience in framing oil paintings.

-Try different frames before buying:You can test how different frames look with your oil painting before making a final decision. You can use online tools or apps that allow you to preview how different frames look with your oil painting. You can also visit local framing shops or art stores that have a variety of frames on display. You can bring your oil painting with you and try different frames on it until you find the one that suits you best.

– Customize your frame:You can also customize your frame to make it more unique and personal. You can choose the material, color, shape, size, and design of your frame according to your preferences and needs. You can also add some embellishments or decorations to your frame, such as stickers, gems, ribbons, or flowers. However, make sure that your customized frame does not overpower or distract from your oil painting.

How to Prepare Your Oil Painting for Framing

Before you frame your oil painting, you need to prepare it properly to ensure that it is ready and suitable for framing. Here are some tools and materials you will need:

– A dust cover:This is a thin paper or fabric that covers the back of your oil painting to protect it from dust and insects. You can use brown craft paper, acid-free tissue paper, or cotton fabric as a dust cover.

-A tape measure: This is a tool that measures the dimensions of your oil painting and frame to make sure they fit together perfectly.

-A utility knife:This is a tool that cuts the dust cover and any excess material from your oil painting and frame to make them neat and tidy.

-A hammer: This is a tool that nails the dust cover and the frame together to secure them firmly.

-Some nails:These are small metal pins that attach the dust cover and the frame to your oil painting.

– Some tape:This is an adhesive material that seals the edges of the dust cover and the frame to prevent them from peeling off or tearing.

Stepping to follow before framing your oil painting:

-Make sure your oil painting is dry:Oil paintings take a long time to dry completely, usually several months or even years. If you frame an oil painting that is still wet or tacky, it can cause problems such as cracking, sticking, or staining. To check if your oil painting is dry enough for framing, touch it gently with your finger. If it feels smooth and hard, it is dry enough for framing. If it feels sticky or soft, it needs more time to dry.

-Clean your oil painting gently: Oil paintings can accumulate dust, dirt, or stains over time, which can affect their appearance and quality. To clean your oil painting gently, use a soft brush or cloth to remove any loose dust or dirt from the surface. Do not use any water or chemicals to clean your oil painting, as they can damage the paint of the canvas. If your oil painting has any stubborn stains or marks ,you can consult a professional conservative for advice.

-Apply a varnish to your oil painting:Oil paintings can fade or lose their gloss over time, especially if they are exposed to sunlight or humidity. To protect your oil painting from fading and to enhance its color and shine, you can apply a varnish to it. A varnish is a clear liquid that forms a protective layer over your oil painting. To apply a varnish to your oil painting, use a soft brush or a spray can to coat the surface evenly and lightly. Do not apply too much varnish, as it can cause cracking or yellowing. Let the varnish dry completely before framing your oil painting.

– Attach a dust cover to your oil painting:A dust cover is a thin paper or fabric that covers the back of your oil painting to protect it from dust and insects. To attach a dust cover to your oil painting, follow these steps:

    – Cut a piece of dust cover material that is slightly larger than your oil painting.

    – Place your oil painting face down on a clean and flat surface.

    – Center the dust cover material over the back of your oil painting and smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles.

    – Fold the edges of the dust cover material over the sides of your oil painting and secure them with tape.

    – Trim any excess material with a utility knife.

    – Nail the dust cover material to the stretcher bars of your oil painting with small nails.

How to Frame Your Oil Painting Yourself

If you want to save some money and have some fun, you can frame your oil painting yourself. There are two main options for DIY framing your oil painting: using a baguette or float frame, or using a traditional or antique frame. Here are the instructions for each option:

How to Frame Your Oil Painting with a Baguette or Float Frame

A baguette or float frame is a flat panel of wood or metal that fits along the edges of your oil painting without covering any part of it. It creates a minimalistic and modern look that emphasizes the work itself. To frame your oil painting with a baguette or float frame, follow these steps:

– Measure the dimensions of your oil painting and buy a baguette or float frame that matches them exactly. You can find baguette or float frames in various colors and materials at local framing shops or online stores.

– Place your oil painting face down on a clean and flat surface.

– Place the baguette or float frame over the back of your oil painting and align it with the edges.

– Secure the baguette or float frame to your oil painting with screws or brackets that come with the frame. Make sure the screws or brackets do not pierce through the front of your oil painting.

– Attach hanging hardware to the back of the baguette or float frame, such as D-rings, wire, or hooks. Follow the instructions that come with the hanging hardware.

How to Frame Your Oil Painting with a Traditional or Antique Frame

A traditional or antique frame is a metal or wood frame that covers the edges of your oil painting and has some details or patterns on them. It creates a classic and elegant look that adds some visual interest to the work. To frame your oil painting with a traditional or antique frame, follow these steps:

– Measure the dimensions of your oil painting and buy a traditional or antique frame that is slightly larger than them. You can find traditional or antique frames in various styles and colors at local framing shops, antique stores, flea markets, or online stores.

– Place your oil painting face down on a clean and flat surface.

– Place some cardboard spacers around the edges of your oil painting to create some space between it and the frame. This will prevent the frame from touching the paint and causing damage. You can cut cardboard spacers from an old box or buy them at framing shops.

– Place the traditional or antique frame over the back of your oil painting and align it with the spacers.

– Secure the traditional or antique frame to your oil painting so the nails do not pierce through the front of your oil painting. Attach hanging hardware to the back of the traditional or antique frame, such as D-rings, wire, or hooks. Follow the instructions that come with the hanging hardware.

How to Hang and Display Your Framed Oil Painting

After you have framed your oil painting, you need to hang and display it in a suitable place. Here are some tips and advice on how to hang and display your framed oil painting:

Choose the best location and position for your framed oil painting: You should choose a location and position that will showcase your framed oil painting in the best possible way. Consider the following factors when choosing a location and position for your framed oil painting:

The lighting: You should choose a location that has enough natural or artificial light to illuminate your framed oil painting without causing glare or fading. Avoid direct sunlight, fluorescent lights, or spotlights that can damage or distort your framed oil painting.

The wall color: You should choose a wall color that matches or contrasts with your framed oil painting, depending on the effect you want to create. A matching wall color can create a harmonious and balanced look, while a contrasting wall color can create a dynamic and eye-catching look.

The wall space: You should choose a wall space that is large enough to accommodate your framed oil painting without making it look crowded or lost. A general rule of thumb is that your framed oil painting should occupy about 50% to 75% of the wall space. You should also leave some space around your framed oil painting to create some breathing room and focus.

The furniture and accessories: You should choose furniture and accessories that complement or contrast with your framed oil painting, depending on the effect you want to create. You can use furniture and accessories to create a theme or a mood for your framed oil painting, such as cozy, elegant, or playful.

Use the right methods and hardware to hang your framed oil painting securely and safely: You should use the appropriate methods and hardware to hang your framed oil painting on the wall without causing any damage or accidents. Consider the following factors when choosing the methods and hardware to hang your framed oil painting:

The weight of your framed oil painting: You should choose methods and hardware that can support the weight of your framed oil painting without breaking or falling. You can use a scale to measure the weight of your framed oil painting before hanging it. A general rule of thumb is that you should use one nail or hook for every 10 pounds of weight.

The type of wall: You should choose methods and hardware that are compatible with the type of wall you have, such as drywall, plaster, brick, or concrete. You may need to use different tools or materials depending on the type of wall you have, such as a drill, a stud finder, anchors, screws, or nails.

The height of your framed oil painting: You should choose a height that will make your framed oil painting visible and comfortable for viewing. A general rule of thumb is that you should hang your framed oil painting at eye level, which is about 57 inches from the floor. However, you can adjust the height according to your preference and situation.

Protect and maintain your framed oil painting from damage and deterioration: You should take good care of your framed oil painting to ensure that it lasts long and stays beautiful. Here are some ways to protect and maintain your framed oil painting:

Dust your framed oil painting regularly with a soft brush or cloth to remove any dust or dirt that may accumulate on it.

Avoid touching your framed oil painting with bare hands or sharp objects that may scratch or smudge it.

Avoid exposing your framed oil painting to extreme temperatures or humidity that may cause cracking or warping.

Avoid moving or transporting your framed oil painting frequently or roughly that may cause loosening or breaking.

If you notice any signs of damage or deterioration on your framed oil painting, consult a professional conservator for advice.


Framing an oil painting has a lot of benefit attached with it which you can enjoy in the long run, it will protect your oil from stain , harm, stratches  and even showcase it’s beauty when hanged. In preparing for framing , it is something you can do yourself rather than employ a professional but in case you area confused you can hire a professional. By following our detailed step by store guides which shows the best way to frame an oil painting, the material to be used and the best frame to be used, we also explained in deatoed the best way to hang your paint, the best way to safeguard and protect your paint is by framing, it is not a matter of beauty and aesthetics view it showcase ,it is a matter of preservation of your painting .

The post How to frame an Oil painting: step by step guide appeared first on Memoiristportal.

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