Hacks to Beat the Winter Blues

Shorter Days & Longer Nights Bumming You Out? Read This

Hacks to Beat the Winter Blues

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‘Winter blues’ isn’t just an expression, it’s an actual condition, that in the medical community is called seasonal affective disorder (yes, that means its acronym is SAD).

SAD defined as a “seasonal pattern of recurrent major depressive episodes most commonly occurring in autumn or winter and remitting in spring/summer.” Its causes remain unclear, but there are a number of theories.

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“The older theory postulated that the length of a day and the time of sunlight in each day was the main culprit and primary area of research,” says board-certified naturopathic medical doctor Dr. Donese Worden. “In other words, short winter days may cause more melatonin secretion – due to more darkness – and more melatonin could lead to an imbalance in brain chemistry, leading to depression in susceptible people. However, to date, this hypothesis hasn't been proven and the discovery that bright light administered in the evening vs. daytime wasn't as effective at treating SAD questioned the theory.”

Something that has been proven conclusively in this area is that people with a family history of depression, those who already suffer from depression or anxiety at other times of the year and individuals who live a fair distance from the equator are at higher risk for developing SAD. “SAD is thought to affect up to 10 percent of the population and [the number of cases] increases with distance from the equator possibly [or not] because the farther you are from the equator, the less sunlight enters your retinas,” says Amber Trueblood, a marriage and family therapist with a masters in clinical psychology.

So how can one prevent the winter blues from popping up or lessen the symptoms if you feel it coming on? These expert hacks are a good place to start.

#1 Light Therapy

According to Dr. Worden, one of the most effective treatments for SAD is light therapy. “Light therapy showed immediate improvement in clinical trials with just one hour-long treatment and the therapy works best in the morning according to studies,” she says. The big take-home here is that we’re meant to be exposed to light. “Light is essential for the delicate balance in our brain chemistry, our immune system, conversion of Vitamin D, and many other important functions of our body that allow us to be healthy human beings.” Since we are creatures of habit our, internal rhythms appreciate consistent patterns, such as sleep-wake cycles that follow the sun setting and rising.

#2 Antidepressants and Counseling

Getting a SAD light therapy lamp for your desk and spending as much time in sunlight aren’t the only things you can do to combat the winter blues.

Dr. Worden notes that medications such as SSRIs (antidepressants) and psychotherapy (counseling) have also proven to be beneficial. Antidepressants may work due to another hypothesis about serotonin (the well-being brain neurotransmitter). “Some studies showed that the binding activity was higher in the fall/winter, so there’s less serotonin for the body to use to prevent depression,” she adds. However, Warden is quick to caution that antidepressants come with a long list of adverse side effects, so they’re only recommended as a last resort.

#3 Healthy Food and Exercise

Apart from the aforementioned tactics, taking care of your immune system and your brain chemistry is key when it comes to SAD and, according to Dr. Worden, you can achieve the best results by eating healthy foods and exercising. You’ll also want to load up on foods that have specifically been shown to help with depression. “Among them are most seafood (especially oysters and mussels), cruciferous vegetables, organ meats, leafy greens (salads), and peppers,” she says. Going to bed and getting up in the morning at the same time – even on weekends – may also help regulate your circadian rhythms and sleep cycles. In addition, don’t discount the power of fun. Dr. Worden notes that “scheduling fun activities to keep your mood elevated is important.”

#4 Supplements

Lastly, Dr. Worden suggests speaking with your doctor about supplements. Taking methylated B vitamins for stress symptoms and having your doctor check you for a Vitamin D deficiency via a simple blood test can be helpful. “I would also consider melatonin at night – the best time [to take it] is when the sun is setting as this will mimic your natural production of this critical molecule,” she says. In addition, Dr. Worden recommends St John's wort (it has many potential interactions with medications so you must check with your physician ), ginseng, SAMe, Omega-3 fatty acids (i.e., fish oil), saffron and 5-HTP. 

Note: If you are experiencing symptoms of SAD you should discuss the best approach to treatment with your doctor. In addition, if you or someone you know is dealing with advanced depression or suicidal thoughts, contact the suicide prevention hotline or a healthcare professional immediately.

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