God is using him to cook up a Bible Bento with anime, AI and Africa

“Samson grew up to be crazy strong. He once killed a lion with his bare hands. Another time, he picked up the jawbone of a donkey and took out a thousand men with it. Talk about jaw-dropping!” The famous story of Samson and Delilah, along with other Bible stories, comes alive on the screen. By […] The post God is using him to cook up a Bible Bento with anime, AI and Africa appeared first on Salt&Light.

God is using him to cook up a Bible Bento with anime, AI and Africa

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Click the link to join the registration on WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KThkuZlWaTcCu3iJHGBmLM

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“Samson grew up to be crazy strong. He once killed a lion with his bare hands. Another time, he picked up the jawbone of a donkey and took out a thousand men with it. Talk about jaw-dropping!”

The famous story of Samson and Delilah, along with other Bible stories, comes alive on the screen.

By blending slick anime-inspired visuals with AI (Artificial Intelligence)-generated art, Bible Bento is delivering timeless Bible stories in a fresh, modern way. 

The unique platform that was conceived a year ago, has been captivating children and their parents on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and other social media channels.

The ministry of Bible Bento continues to grow with close to 20,000 followers across Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, with a few million views across various social media platforms, as well as thousands of direct messages received so far.

A WhatsApp group that was formed for better engagement with subscribers to the channel now has 1,000 members who exchange testimonies and share devotional thoughts daily. 

What’s especially astonishing is that Bible Bento, a Singaporean creation, has found its largest audience in Africa. Its Samson and Delilah video on Facebook also went viral among Africans and garnered half a million views across various social media channels.

It all began with a cryptic sentence from God to a former punk rocker, which sparked what may be the most exciting evangelism tool among the rising tide of Christian content accounts.

Bible Bento’s Samson and Delilah video on Facebook went viral among Africans and garnered half a million views across various social media channels.

The puzzling sentence

Twelve months ago, Levan Wee, the former frontman of rock band, Ronin, woke up with this sentence playing clearly in his head: “Children love Bible stories, like Daniel in the lions’ den.” 

Levan told Salt&Light: “It was so clear and complete that I was confused by it because I had no reference. I wasn’t thinking about kids or that story or anything.”

The unexpected experience led the social media professional with a doctorate in philosophy to pray. The idea of creating Bible videos for kids hit him.

“I didn’t naturally gravitate to it because, in all honesty, I am quite awkward around children. It’s not a natural inclination for me so it was a bit of a grapple,” admitted Levan, who turns 43 today (December 5).

Later that morning, he heard the pastor utter the exact sentence, nearly word for word, at a devotion session.

“Children love Bible stories like Daniel and the lions’ den”, sparked off the new ministry using AI art and anime to create Bible story videos for children.

During his prayer time over the next few days, Levan started seeing symbolic visions of Japanese anime and received impressions that pointed towards AI. 

He gradually sensed God’s guidance to combine traditional video-editing programmes with AI tools to generate anime-themed Bible videos designed to teach kids.

Still, the idea was vague and he was uncertain of God’s direction.

Nonetheless, Levan went ahead to create the first draft video, testing out AI to generate anime images that told the story of Daniel in the lions’ den, animated in vivid colour.

He then created videos of other Bible stories, including Jesus’ parables and some fun Bible trivia.

A few weeks later, while praying at a pavilion in his neighbourhood park for God’s clear direction regarding the mix of AI and anime for kids, Levan decided to send an ex-colleague his first video draft for her comments.

Minutes later, a teenager jogged by and initiated a conversation with him. She revealed her hope to be an anime artist. 

Even more specifically, she said her parents thought that AI would make her job difficult but she believed it was possible to work together with AI to create anime art.

 “When God calls us in our various capacities, He will make them clear.”

Levan took this as a perfectly timed confirmation from God.

 “When God calls us in our various capacities, He will make them clear.

“In the case of Bible Bento, it was confirmations that were specific enough to help me overcome the hesitations,” he told Salt&Light.

Encouraged, he proceeded to ask God for guidance on the audience that these anime videos should reach on social media.

“I assumed this would be for Singapore, Philippines, all the anime popular regions, right?

“Praying further, I saw African flags and symbolisms of African flag colours, which are quite schematically unique.

“I was taken aback because I don’t know much about Africa!

“I’ve never had a real interest in Africa. I don’t know much about the culture. I didn’t even know how their Christian faith was like,” he said.

Levan received more clarity from an unexpected confirmation when the very next day, he heard colleagues at work discussing the enthusiasm African Christians possessed – a topic he had never heard them talk about before.

This reinforced God’s call to him to create anime Bible videos for children in Africa.

A leap of faith

In September, Levan obeyed God’s call to step out of employment and work on Bible Bento full-time.

Now, having left his job as Social Media Strategist and Managing Editor of Stories of Hope at the Thirst Collective, Levan had no visible means of financial support and has had to tighten up his budget.

“There are days I wonder how things are going to play out, but I have no regrets.

“I trust that God will provide in His own timing and I truly believe in Matthew 6:33 – seeking first the Kingdom of God and the rest will be added to you,” he declared, adding that financial provision has come in miraculously each step of the way.

Levan was also prompted in a dream to accept help from Rume Eburu, a Nigerian follower of Bible Bento, transforming the solo effort into a partnership.

When he woke up, he saw he had received a text message from Rume, saying that he had felt the Holy Spirit nudge him to volunteer to help with Bible Bento.

“I was shocked at the perfect timing of all of this. Rume had no idea that I just had a dream about welcoming someone to join me – and here he was, offering his time and effort!

“Other surprising supernatural confirmations happened between Rume and me – things that we both witnessed that absolutely defied probability!” said Levan.

Surprising supernatural confirmations brought Levan Wee (left) and Rume Eburu (right) together to work on the Bible Bento ministry.

God later challenged Levan to pay Rume for his volunteer work.

“I’m leaving my job. I got no income and I’m supposed to pay him?” Levan wondered.

He then sensed God’s prompting to call his mother. 

Levan obeyed, and his mother immediately shared with him about a YouTube video she had watched and talked about God’s financial provision.

He told her about his decision to pay Rume for his help with Bible Bento. His mother suggested paying Rume S$200.

A subsequent conversation with Rume revealed that he was planning to start a family.

“If you provide for him, if you are willing to provide him, I will provide to you.”

Levan said: “This is my way of providing for his prayers, because he has prayed for provision.

“If you provide for him – if you are willing to provide for him – I will provide for you,” Levan sensed God saying to him.

By faith, he transferred S$200 to Rume, while still worried about depleting his bank account.

The next day, Levan had lunch with someone he had arranged to meet some weeks ago. The ministry of Bible Bento came up in the conversation. After lunch, the person sent a text to say that he had transferred S$200 to Levan in support of his ministry.

To Levan, this was yet another confirmation from God. 

While he may not have absolute clarity on the journey ahead or the potential difficulties, with the many supernatural confirmations he has received from God, Levan is assured of God’s guidance.

“It’d be worth it if it means walking in the Holy Spirit at this level,” Levan told Salt&Light.

AI for the Kingdom

While AI is rapidly evolving with daily breakthroughs, Levan noted that creativity from the human touch is crucial and irreplaceable by technology.

He uses AI to a certain extent, then manually employs design, animation and video apps like Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro to polish up his videos.

“In some areas of the process, there are simply no shortcuts,” he told Salt&Light.

“Ultimately,” he added, “God must remain at the centre of the project.”

Videos on Bible Bento are created using AI along with programmes like Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere and others.

“When it comes to using AI for Kingdom work, I believe we should always pray to God for inspiration, craft the message He wants to share by hand and use AI wisely – as a tool to bring that vision into reality rather than something we rely on solely,” he said.

He believes AI, just like social media, if used the right way, can help Christians share the Gospel in fresh, exciting ways and reach people far more efficiently than before.

“Ultimately, God must remain at the centre of the project.”

“I don’t think the Church should shy away from using it just because it’s new. We shouldn’t let fear cause us to miss the opportunity to reach more people,” urged Levan.

“New tools can bring new ways to serve others! But as we do this, I feel it’s essential to stay focused on God and people and not get swept up by the latest tech just for the sake of it.”

A box of surprises 

The Japanese bento box is a compact, compartmentalised container designed to hold a balanced meal comprising a variety of foods. The box is often beautifully arranged, emphasising aesthetics and balance, both nutritionally and visually. 

This was the vision Levan received when he prayed for a name for the ministry.

Similarly, Bible Bento has been nourishing thousands in Africa through its unique storytelling of Bible content, encouraging believers in the faith.

Levan told Salt&Light: “What excites me most is seeing how many amazing believers from Africa – especially from Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda and South Africa – are truly on fire for God.

“So many have this deep love for Jesus Christ. It’s been such a joy connecting and fellowshipping with them across our platforms. Their faith truly inspires me!” he said.

Many parents have sent positive feedback, encouraged that their children have uplifting, Christ-centred content to watch, especially with the pervasive influence of today’s mass media.

Encouraging feedback from subscribers about the Bible Bento ministry.

“We’ve also heard from people struggling with depression who found comfort and hope through our fun, biblically-focused videos.

“One woman shared that she’d had a troubling dream but felt a sense of peace wash over her after seeing one of our posts about Jesus being right here with each of us.

“I never expected to hear such things from others and I’m just so thankful to God for these moments,” said Levan.

He is also humbled that there are people interested in translating Bible Bento’s English videos into their native languages to share with others.

“I always say yes because it’s truly a blessing that they’d want to do that! I believe that the heart of every ministry should be about serving people in Christ.

Bible Bento engages with subscribers who exchange testimonies and share devotional thoughts daily.

“I’m just grateful for the chance to do that through anime Bible videos, of all things!” he added.

Bible Bento is a ministry specially meant for Levan. Born with albinism, he has more physical constraints than the average person.

“I can’t do missions in the hot sun. I can’t get scorched. God is helping me to be very effective within the areas that I can do that are natural to me,” he said, referring to his capabilities in digital media. 

“Even with limitations, there are so many ways God can use you and multiply, if you are willing.”

“By God’s design, He called, according to what He knows I am able to do and not able to.

“Even with limitations, there are so many ways God can use you and multiply – if you are willing.”

Looking back to when Bible Bento was conceived, he said: “This ministry is not about me, because I know that it’s not my idea, and I know all this comes from first saying yes and stepping out first, then God walks with you.

“We don’t have to wait until everything is in place before we start moving.”

The song “Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)” by Hillsong United has served as a powerful reminder to Levan that the Holy Spirit would guide him. Another song “Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me” by CityAlight reinforced the importance of humility, reminding him that everything is achievable solely through Christ.

Just enough light for each step

“God has been teaching me the difference between having a spirit of excellence – doing our best for Him and the traps of perfectionism,” shared Levan.

“I’ve struggled with perfectionism for a long time. In the beginning, I fell into the habit of trying to perfect every video frame, driven by my own unrealistic and, honestly, silly expectations.

“But over time, God has been humbling me, showing me how to let go of that unnecessary perfectionism day by day and focus instead on the teaching value of each video and the people they can serve.

“It’s about others, not me,” said Levan.

For most of his life, Levan has also done things solo, no matter the project.

Speaking about how the partnership with Rume is progressing, he said: “We’ve learnt to lean into each other’s strengths while following God’s guidance and I really couldn’t do this without him.

“On days when I feel discouraged or low on focus and energy, Rume is there to keep me on track and lift my spirits, reminding me of all the ways we can share God’s love with others through this ministry. His energy is infectious!”

With tendencies to micro-manage, Levan has also learnt to trust Rume with more tasks.

“It’s been so liberating to let go of that need for control!” he declared.

For now, his goal for Bible Bento is to keep growing its reach with more content that encourages people to draw closer to God and His Word.

Looking ahead, Levan hopes that the ministry will one day generate revenue and eventually shift away from AI art and hire freelance anime artists.

“I love the idea of supporting creative people in their dreams, especially believers who are passionate about their art and sincere in their desire to glorify God.

“It’s such a joy to think of reinvesting God’s provision into the artistic aspirations of others, so that both creators and viewers are uplifted and encouraged.

“It’s such a joy to think of reinvesting God’s provision into the artistic aspirations of others, so that both creators and viewers are uplifted and encouraged.”

“That’s the vision – building a community where we can all grow and glorify Him through our gifts,” he said.

With his passion for music, Levan will also return his talent for God’s glory.

In collaboration with That’s Worship, he will release a new music video next January. Two other songs that he recorded are scheduled for release in February and April, with one of the music videos featuring familiar faces in the Christian community.

“I hope this music will inspire other Christian musicians in Singapore to release fresh, fun music that expands the ways we can worship the Lord across different genres.”


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“Don’t limit God”: Children’s pastor goes to the highways and the byways to bring young ones to the Lord

Frontman of iconic rock band, Ronin, finally finds what he has been searching for

The post God is using him to cook up a Bible Bento with anime, AI and Africa appeared first on Salt&Light.

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