Why you should not worship Jesus Christ as Adonay (God)


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Yeah I want to talk about WHY WE SHOULD NOT PRAY TO JESUS.


Why we should not pray to Jesus, worship Jesus as God.

Because the bible, the scriptures never told us to pray to Jesus, that pray to God – Pray to God.

Majority of us see Jesus as God, Calling Jesus God himself – which is wrong.

The bible told us that Jesus is the messiah – Jesus is the messiah; Jesus is not God himself.

Even in the book of Matthew 6:5 -13; you will see that Jesus was telling us that we should pray to our Father. Look at what he said in verse 9 (Matthew 6:5-13)

“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.”

Our Father which is in heaven; that means we are not going to pray to Jesus but pray to God. Majority of us pray to Jesus, majority of us worship Jesus as God.


Which one is THANK YOU JESUS?

What happen to ADONAY?

What happen to ELOHIM?

God is GOD!

The bible said that God is ONE and he is HOLY. Jesus did not said he is GOD, the bible also tell us the Jesus is the mediator between MAN and GOD. Therefore Jesus is not God. There is no two God.


There is nothing like TRINITY: God the Father – God the Son – God the Holy Spirit  


Jesus is the messiah, he’s not God. And God is one, not two or three.


The Jews don’t believe Jesus as messiah, they may (I said ‘may’) even not see Jesus in their doctrines – they only follow the laws of Moses and the prophets of old – which we all know.


But let’s focus on the Christian race (which I belong) Jesus is not God.

Jesus is the messiah – Jesus said “pray in my name”, he did not say “worship me or pray to me”. Pray in my name that’s the word of Jesus Christ – that means we pray to God through Jesus Christ; not praying to Jesus Christ as most of our Christian leaders teaches and us have always do.

“Pray in my name” we pray to God in the name of Jesus and I recommend Jesus’ word. We pray to God through Jesus Christ: in the name of Jesus – that the Father may be glorify through the Son (Jesus Christ) – can you see!

He teaches us to pray in his name, that the Father may be glorify through the son.


[So those that pray directly to God without through Jesus – can still have their prayers heard and answered by God]


In heaven and earth. Jesus did not say “Pray to me” – so all our praises to be to God not Jesus. Remember he said these “I will go back to my father which is your father, to my God which is your God” – I’m not the one that quote it, Jesus did after he resurrection from death before his ascension to heaven.


So Jesus died not God that died; God resurrected Jesus not Jesus himself!

If you agreed, teach, believe and said that “God died and resurrected”, that means you are a false teacher of the gospel, you follow trends, you don’t know God.


The scriptures noted that “God doesn’t sleep or die” and Adonay can’t lie or be dead even in a second.


The fact that is most confusing here is that a lot of people from generations to others, have already and start seeing Jesus as God – which is biblical error!

And where do you think we or you are going to….


Jesus said, if you love me keep my commandments; so where is it written that you should worship me – I have not come to speak against the laws and the prophets, for I have come to make you understand the laws and the prophets.


So where exactly that Jesus said worship on the day of my resurrection or first day of the week …. That’s another big talk on its own.


Concerning worshipping: Jesus said “time to come that people will no longer move to Jerusalem to worship”; he never change the worship day from SABBATH (SATURDAY) to FRIST DAY of the week (SUNDAY) – all his teaches and commandments delivered by him.

And to talk again, You will start talking about APOSTLE PAUL – is PAUL, JESUS!

Even the bible recorded that Paul visited the synagogue on Sabbath and never revealed days that the other apostles gathered for worship.

See Peter and John (Acts 3:1-26) also worship on Sabbath and still follow the way of Christ.

Another one: they never ask people to give their lives to Jesus but to God. Preaching about repentances. [Check Acts 3:19].


Jesus said, if you love me keep my commandments; so where is it written that you should worship me – I have not come to speak against the laws and the prophets, for I have come to make you understand the laws and the prophets.

Majority (including me) disobeys one out of the Main Ten Commandments of God; that’s  to say, we totally obey 9 out of 10: removing the Sabbath day and not keeping it holy and rest on that day. We never even worship God on that day.

To worsen the case, we organized special occasions or attend programs, events on that day being Saturday


Funny right!



Yeah! That’s it – Why we should not worship Jesus as God.


Jesus Christ taught us the way to the Father, Jesus taught us the way to the creator.

“Our father which art in heaven, hallow be thy name”


You can see, Jesus is telling us to praise God first, we should glorify God at first before we continue (according to the Lord’s Prayer) – you see!


Jesus said, “I will go back to him who sent me, (the father)”.

Jesus indirectly have taught us to pray to the Father, glorify the Father, praise the Father – all teaches of Jesus here on earth was about the creator and not himself.



Check this song;

‘Jesus na you be Oga

Every other god na so so yeye’


Wait! Wait!!

Are you trying to tell me that I AM THAT I AM, JEHOVAH is a yeye God?

Is that what you are singing, teaching or saying… Because you believe Jesus is your God.

Note those who worship Jesus are not Christians, go and do your research – and you can tell better.

Christians are Christ-Like; worshiping God, following the steps of Christ, using Jesus’ doctrines and not worshiping Jesus and using the doctrines of men.


“Thank you for saving me, Jesus” – Jesus did not save you!


It is GOD who saved you; God saved you through the remission of the blood of Jesus – we have to get that understanding.

And we should stop covering ourselves with “Blood of Jesus”.

Jesus’ blood is for sin offering and not for coverage. The wings of protection come from God.


Why is it that! Why is it that…. Now

For example: You own a bakery then put your son as a manager (of your bakery)

The manager (your son) is now doing great works.

Who will they say ‘owns the bakery’. Is it the manager – No!

It is you (they will refer to)



Jesus is the mediator between God and Man as the manager is the middle man between the employees (staffs) and the owner of any business.


So we should stop that habit of seeing Jesus as the ALL and ALL. Start putting God in everything and first.

We are not above any law and sin is breaking the laws... So change your fact about laws and grace that Apostle Paul talk to us in his books.


“I and my Father are one”, that shouldn’t mean we should worship him (Jesus Christ) as God. He is telling us that he and his Father (Jehovah) are close, they are connected – that doesn’t mean you should worship him (Jesus).

That’s doesn’t mean we should give him the praises and glory, we should give to God.

God said “I don’t share my glory with any man’ – so what are we saying.


Majority of Christians now centered on preaching about Jesus (following Apostle Paul doctrines over Jesus doctrines). What happen to God? What happen to Elohim?


Lot of preachers – Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!

What happens to God?


In the bible; God said we should not bow down to any image or have any likeness in form of image in heaven or earth (Catholics, Anglicans and others disobey this one and worship strange or images or symbols or idols or shapes or “art design of so called Jesus” in reference to God – Error!). Also most Christians uses the pictures of a Britain actor and comedian, who acted the movies (‘JESUS OF NAZARETH’ and ‘PASSION OF CHRIST’) as Jesus Christ.


So many of us have to sit down and think; what are we doing?, Where are we going to?. Using a British actor and comedian as Jesus Christ – We need a change of fact and mindset. All I have said recently is IDOLS IN THE CHURCH, IDOLS IN THE TEMPLE and IDOLS IN OUR HOMES.

There is no difference between you and those worshipping strange gods or native doctors in Africa or idols worshippers. Everyone is a believer, no one is an unbeliever in our world – centered on what you or I believes on (in terms of religion).


You have to sit up!

We have to pray in Jesus name (just like the Jehovah Witness – I recommend them for that); pray in Jesus name. Because even Jesus said in Matthew 6:9; pray in this manner

“Our father which art in heaven” – that you should first acknowledge God.

“Hallowed be thy name” – that you should glorify God.

‘Hallowed’ means ‘Honored’

“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” – so don’t say that your will but the will of God (not Jesus).

“Give us this day our daily bread”- this is when you are going to put your personal needs and feeding into. Then you pray the prayer to come ‘temptation’ and deliver you from ‘evil’ in our world daily.


We all have to talk and preach about God. We all have to let people know about God. We all have to talk about God every time and always (not Jesus Christ).

Jesus is not God. Because Jesus never called himself ‘God’ – in every little thing, we call – Jesus!

What happens to the creator, the father?

What happens to Elohim, God?

At last of Life, after death – Who will judge you?

“I will sit at the right hand of my father to judge” – it is not him (Jesus) that is going to judge. God is going to be the (chief) judge.

Jesus is going to sit at the right hand of the Father, as your lawyer and mediator or against you according to the books [Revelations 20:10-15].


He (Jesus) does not even know the day of final (world) Judgment. He (Jesus) don’t know when the world will end or when he will come again; according to his words to his disciples in the bible (I did not quote it).


We all have to get it right, We all have to pray to God, We all have to praise Elohim – Not Jesus Christ!


Another, he (Jesus) did not put it a MUST to pray in his name; he said ‘anything you ask in my name should be given onto you’ and when praying ‘pray in my name that the Father may be glorify in the son’– So other religious and worshippers does not pray in JESUS NAME.


The Muslims, the Jews, and some people don’t pray in Jesus name: they still get what they requested through prayers, what they asked for, what they need. They pray to God direct without using Jesus or through Jesus or in Jesus.


If you are praying in Jesus name, you are making the father to be glorified in the son (Jesus) – I am not against that! It is acceptable and recommended by Jesus Christ for us to do so.


The truth of what I am saying: we should pray to God, praise God, honour God. We should channel everything to God direct (through Jesus) – and stop doing Jesus! Jesus!! Jesus!!! – Jesus this! Jesus that…..




Remember, you ought to pray in his name (Jesus Christ) and not to him but to the Father (Adonay).



© Didi-Omah Teachings

 Didi-Omah Augustine Chinazaekpere

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