Dear Bachelor, TESTING A LADY

Sir, you don't need to use dirty clothes to test a lady to know if she's hardworking. Even if she visits you and your house is well arranged, everywhere sparkling clean, a hard working lady will still show herself.

Dear Bachelor, TESTING A LADY

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Dear Bachelor


Sir, you don't need to use dirty clothes to test a lady to know if she's hardworking.

Even if she visits you and your house is well arranged, everywhere sparkling clean, a hard working lady will still show herself.

A hard working lady shows herself in her work ethics, how she takes care of herself and her own space and how she handles the responsibilities she has in church, office, home, etc. 

A Submissive Lady doesn't need you to be bossy and difficult before she'll show her submission, submission doesn't respond to being bossy, if you like be a gentle and meek man, a submissive woman will still submit to you.

A rebellious or stubborn lady will still show herself, even if you are gentle with her. Character doesn't hide if you know how to look. 

A Lady who can manage can manage, even if you give her N50,000, she'll show her management skills, it's not only by testing her with N500 or poverty that you'll know if she can manage. 

Want to know a Good wife Material?

1) Check the Friends she Keeps.

Lions walk with Lions.

Dogs walk with Dogs. 

2) Check Her Mentors and Role Models.

An apple doesn't fall far form the tree.

3) Observe/Listen.

How she talks/relates to you and others,

How she talks about Authority and Superiors 

How she handles money issues

How she reacts when under pressure. 

Her ideologies about Love, Marriage, Men, Women, Life, etc

4) Her devotion to her God.

And most importantly PRAY.

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