Bookish Intern Creates an Insightful Display Featuring the Oldest Books in His Library

Bookish Intern Creates an Insightful Display Featuring the Oldest Books in His Library I'm an intern at my local library and I made a book display byu/ILovePublicLibraries inMadeMeSmile Libraries big and small hold items that would surely blow your mind. For example, do you know what's the oldest title in your local library? Most surprisingly, it may not be a classic, but something that would easily go unnoticed. […] READ: Bookish Intern Creates an Insightful Display Featuring the Oldest Books in His Library

Bookish Intern Creates an Insightful Display Featuring the Oldest Books in His Library

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Bookish Intern Creates an Insightful Display Featuring the Oldest Books in His Library

I'm an intern at my local library and I made a book display
byu/ILovePublicLibraries inMadeMeSmile

Libraries big and small hold items that would surely blow your mind. For example, do you know what's the oldest title in your local library? Most surprisingly, it may not be a classic, but something that would easily go unnoticed. Jacob Blanck, who goes by u/ILovePublicLibraries on Reddit, discovered that this was the case after creating an insightful display with the oldest books held by the local library where he interns.

The book lover, who works as an intern at Rockville Library in Vernon, CT, collected the titles and put them on the spotlight for visitors to get up and close with the history of the library, which opened in 1904. About his display, Blanck writes, “It's about old, vintage books that have been at Rockville library collections in circulation for more than 50+ years.”

According to Blanck, the oldest surviving book on the library's collection is Colonial Women of Affairs, described by The Atlantic as “an interesting and suggestive volume on women in business and the professions in colonial times.” Published in 1924, the title has been at the library since 1925, and boasts an orange floral design that remains in great shape for its age.

This is not the first display he's created—further proof that his excitement is not due to the novelty of the task. Blanck previously made a display for the month of September, celebrating “National Read a Book Day” and National Literacy Month.

Ultimately, his work is a testament to the noble jobs librarians carry out every day. They help patrons find information, catalog books and library materials, and promote reading through activities for people of all ages. More so, they do so in the face of budget cuts and other obstacles. As such, they are vessels of learning, for which their role in local communities is invaluable.

A bookish intern at the Rockville Library in Vernon, CT, shares the insightful displays he proudly creates with the books in the collection.



I'm an intern at my local library and I'm proud of my job
byu/ILovePublicLibraries inMadeMeSmile

Source: I'm an intern at my local library and I made a book display

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