Are Eggs a Good Source of Protein?

Do Eggs Deserve a Spot in Your Diet? Here's What the Science Says

Are Eggs a Good Source of Protein?

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Eggs have been a staple of our diets for centuries now, and for good reason. They're inexpensive, delicious, easily accessible, and can be eaten in a massive variety of ways, from scrambled to hard-boiled. Hardcore bodybuilders from the heyday of the sport were even known to crack eggs into a glass and eat them raw (note: not recommended!). 

But in recent years, eggs have come under heavy fire. As national cholesterol levels rose, there was heightened scrutiny about the dietary cholesterol contained in our beloved yolks. And as obesity rates skyrocketed, more and more people wondered aloud if the high fat content of eggs was to blame.

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It's time to put some of the misinformation to rest and answer some of the most common concerns people have about eggs. Read on to learn the latest science, and why the humble egg probably deserves a spot in your fridge.

How Much Protein Is in an Egg?

Because eggs don't come in a single, standard size, there isn't one number we can give you here, but we can offer you a range. According to the US Department of Agriculture, small eggs, weighing under 40 grams, usually have between 4 and 5 grams of protein per egg; medium eggs, weighing around 45 grams, generally contain 5 grams of protein per egg; large eggs, weighing around 50 grams, contain over 6 grams of protein per egg, and some jumbo eggs (60+ grams) can contain up to 8 grams of protein per egg. 

Crucially, while the protein is roughly equally distributed between the yolk and the white, the fat and micronutrients are concentrated in the egg yolk. What does that mean for you? If you want to maximize your protein intake, you can selectively consume the egg white, to keep the protein-to-calorie ratio high, or you can embrace the nutrient-dense yolk and maximize your micronutrient intake.

Should You Only Eat Egg Whites?

One of the worst things to happen to eggs actually originated from the fitness community. Once the bro-science boys figured out that egg whites contain lots of protein, a trend began of ditching the yolk entirely and consuming only egg whites. Yes, this is a good way to up your protein intake, but it's also a spectacular case of "failing to see the forest through the trees." Yes, egg yolks are higher in calories, but they're also significantly higher in nutrients. As per the National Institutes of Health, the egg yolk is an excellent source of vitamins A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and B12. Egg yolks are so nutrient-dense, in fact, that eating just two eggs a day is enough to knock off roughly 30% of your daily recommended vitamin intake

And while it's true that macronutrients matter more for body composition, and keeping the calories low is a good strategy for revealing those coveted abs and muscle separations, it's equally true that micronutrients matter for other important things, like, y'know, your immune system, hormone production and sexual wellbeing. 

Wondering if egg yolks are you? Here's a simple heuristic. If you're a professional bodybuilder or performance athlete looking to cut below 10% bodyfat, you have our permission to eat only egg whites. For the average Joe just looking to get fit and healthy, please don't skip the yolk.

Will Eggs Raise My Cholesterol Levels?

Perhaps the biggest red flag around egg consumption has to do with their cholesterol content. As heart disease rates rose across the developed world, people became more and more conscious of their cholesterol levels, and since eggs (specifically the egg yolk) were known to be high in cholesterol, the advice became to limit or even eliminate egg consumption. 

Decades later, though, the science has complicated this pronouncement.

Does egg consumption contribute to heart disease? A longitudinal study conducted in 2021 compared two groups of egg eaters, one consuming few eggs a week and the other consuming a large amount of eggs each week, and measured their arterial tension over the course of an entire year. The conclusion? No difference in arterial stiffness between the two groups. Other studies, including a meta-analysis of multiple large-scale studies, have found no correlation between egg consumption and inflammatory markers.

It isn't all good news, though. If you've got a family history of hypertension or you've already been diagnosed with arteriosclerosis, some studies have found an increased risk factor associated with egg consumption, so at the very least you'll probably want to consult a doctor before you start consuming dozens of eggs each week.

But for the average healthy young man, the jury is out and the verdict is in: eggs are healthy, cheap, nutrient-dense and protein-rich, so practice your egg cooking skills and reap the benefits. 

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