3 Reasons We Would Be Lost Without Our Moms

We all hate to admit it, but more often than not, our moms tend to be right. Worst of all, she damn well knows it. She is the only one allowed to say ‘I told you so,’ because she probably did… Mothers dedicate their time and resources to their kids, while caring and loving them […] The post 3 Reasons We Would Be Lost Without Our Moms appeared first on The Ghana Report.

3 Reasons We Would Be Lost Without Our Moms


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We all hate to admit it, but more often than not, our moms tend to be right. Worst of all, she damn well knows it. She is the only one allowed to say ‘I told you so,’ because she probably did…

Mothers dedicate their time and resources to their kids, while caring and loving them until they are no longer completely dependent. Funny thing is, she’ll still be there for you when you’re on your own. That, my friends, is true love.

As millennials, we aren’t scared of ending up alone – we’re afraid of being with wrong person. We know our worth – and aren’t willing to settle for less than we deserve. And yet, we wonder why finding love has become so damn hard…

Luckily for us, there is always one person we can count on, for better or worse. For every bad date, for every crazy question, for every girl talk, we can always turn to our mothers.

Here are 3 reasons why you should celebrate and thank your mom every single day. After all, they’re the reason you’re reading this.

1. She doesn’t give up on you

As a kid, I had the most horrible time in math class. I truly hated math with a passion (and still do). I mean, one plus one is two, and we have apps to do the rest…right? Nevertheless, while I was struggling and swearing and giving up hope that I will ever understand numbers, my mother had different plans. She had no intention of giving up on me.

Along with a few tutoring sessions, I quickly learned that I could do anything I put my mind to. My point is, my mother believed in me when I no longer believed in myself. She was there to cheer me up and provide that moral support we all need in life. Our moms are our safety net. We know we don’t always need it, but we can always fall back on them.

2. She loves you unconditionally

Coming from a small family, I see my grandmother‘s love for my mother has no limits. I see my mother’s love has no boundaries. Unconditional love is like a rare diamond. It is only found in tight relationships that cannot be bought. We fight with our mothers because we don’t always want to listen to their opinions – probably because we know they’re right more times than we like to admit. But at the end of the day, there’s no doubt that they’ll forgive and forget…until your next argument.

3. She shaped you

As children, we are utterly dependent on our mothers. We watch them take care of us, make us a peanut butter sandwiches in the mornings, drive us to soccer or ballet practice and scowl at us when we know we’re doing something we probably shouldn’t be. She taught you everything from how to behave to how to smile in the darkest times. She is the true example of ”Actions speak louder than words.”

So, go give your mom a hug right now and if distance doesn’t let you, then call her.

The post 3 Reasons We Would Be Lost Without Our Moms appeared first on The Ghana Report.

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