Here are some powerful quotes that border on election from leading leaders from around the world and what their implications are for a country like Nigeria that is plagued by poor governance and corrupt leaders. Nigerians have the opportunity to decide in every election, (as put in the words of former president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan) if they want to move forward or if they want to go backwards. So, here we go.


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Here are some powerful quotes that border on election from leading leaders from around the world and what their implications are for a country like Nigeria that is plagued by poor governance and corrupt leaders. Nigerians have the opportunity to decide in every election, (as put in the words of former president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan) if they want to move forward or if they want to go backwards. So, here we go.

QUOTE 1: "You wouldn't let your grandparents pick your playlist. Why would you let them pick your representative who's going to determine your future?" — Barack Obama, Former U.S. President

The right to vote is a personal choice which shouldn't be influenced by the opinion of others, no matter what. Put in another way, your personal conviction of who to vote for should not be decided for you by others, but by what you think is the right thing to do as dictated by your conscience. So, don't vote for Mr. A because your family members or friends are doing so. Vote wisely, without undue influence.


QUOTE 2: "Democracy is based upon the conviction there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people." — Harry Emerson Fosdick, American Pastor

The beauty of democracy is the fact that anyone (even you) can choose to vie for any public office if qualified. Sadly, in Nigeria, most electorates would prefer to cast their votes for the rich than for the poor (and later complain they're being oppressed by the rich) because they wrongly believe that the money breeds good leaders. The same logic is applied to political parties that are seen as bigger than those that are said to be "without structures". But in reality, excellent leadership is not determined by how deep one's pocket is or the size of one's political party, but what's mentally harboured upstairs as dictated by strategic vision, a sense of responsibility, purpose of leadership, as well as political ideology. So, never underestimate anyone on the basis of money, party size or any other existing factors. They might just be the saviour you need.


QUOTE 3: "Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don’t vote.” — George Jean Nathan, American Drama Critic and Magazine Editor

It is foolishness to be made to believe in this dispensation that "your vote will not count". The only way that your vote will not count is when you refuse to vote. When you refuse to vote in the polls, you increase the chances of bad officials coming to reign in power. So, don't be dissuaded by the lie(s) they tell you, for there are more reasons for every negative opinion as to why you shouldn't vote. Let your good votes count by your choice to participate in the election process.


QUOTE 4: "The most important office, and the one which all of us can and should fill, is that of private citizen." — Louis Brandeis, American Lawyer and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.

As a private citizen, you hold the aces through your right to vote and to be voted for, which leverages on you a great power. If a public citizen fails to perform in an elected office, you express your displeasure by exercising your rights in voting him/her out, no sentiments attached. So, don't ever think that politicians call the shots; instead, you do, by the power of your vote. Yes, it is just one vote, but that one vote you have can change everything.


QUOTE 5: "The ballot is stronger than the bullet.” — Abraham Lincoln, Former U.S. President.

While the bullet portrays violence, the ballot signifies power that is exercised peacefully and strategically during polls. This is why winning any war doesn't depend alone on one's artillery, but on the ability to think strategically so as to overcome the odds or challenges one is faced with. And so, in a democratic dispensation, the ballot and not the bullet remains the answer. If your representative isn't performing to standard, reject him/her by way of the ballot, through the choice of your vote. 


QUOTE 6: "Our political leaders will know our priorities only if we tell them, again and again, and if those priorities begin to show up in the polls." — Peggy Noonan, American Author

The priority of every electorate is summed up in two words: Good Governance. And this good governance is a product of quality and responsible representation, which puts the interests of members of a constituency foremost above any other. And the loudest way to let political leaders know these priorities is through the polls by voting them in or out. By your vote, you send a loud message of whether you desire real change or not.


QUOTE 7: "The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” — John F. Kennedy, Former U.S. President.

It is your civic responsibility to educate other voters on the importance of voting for the right candidate(s) in order to prevent them from wasting their precious votes. But while educating them, never force your decisions of who to vote for, on them; it is their rights to decide that for themselves based on their convictions. But it is still an obligation on your part to bring about the death of ignorance in voters so they don't make a mistake that will cist them another four years of leadership drought.


QUOTE 8: “Voting is not only our right—it is our power.” — Loung Ung, Human Rights Activist 

The majority of the idea projected by all of these quotes is centered on the fact that your vote is the expression of your rights and the power to decide who leads you in public affairs (governance). That power can only be exercised when you participate in an election by casting your vote for your preferred candidate(s). These two privileges (rights and power) make you an important deciding factor in an election. So, exercise both for the good of all.


QUOTE 9: "If you don’t vote, you lose the right to complain.” — George Carlin, American Comedian

Most Nigerians complain of bad governance or poor leadership, but yet, when it's time to perform their civic duty to vote by choosing who presides over governance, they shy away, making up all sorts of flimsy excuses. Don't be a part of that; get involved in the process of electing leaders that will form the next government and do so without sentiment or undue influence. Then, when they fail, you have the moral right and justification to criticize them. Until then, just keep your tongue sealed within your cheeks because your exhibition of irresponsibility to not vote in the first place was what that gave birth to bad governance. You can't reap where you don't sow, or else that will amount to criminality.


QUOTE 10: "We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate." — Thomas Jefferson, Former U.S. President and Founding Father of the U.S.

The electorates elect the government, and not the other way round. What this means is that you have a role as a private citizen to play in choosing who will lead you on your behalf in public affairs. And this role you must exercise by voting in an election. Therefore, add your votes to the majority because it surely counts on the decision making of who governs you.

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