John D Rockefeller was called "The Sponge" by his friends. It was a name given to him due to his inquisitiveness. John would always ask questions about so many things. He was curious about everything. Anything he did not understand, he would seek ways to understand it. He was an absorber of information.

If someone brought up a new proposition, he would pepper them with all the right questions. He wanted to soak in and grab every information possible. He devoted significant hours to studying and understanding things. 

While on honeymoon with his wife, he peppered the carriage rider with so many questions that the man abandoned riding to answer him. They drove into the dirt, and they had an accident. Thankfully, there was no injury.

Another time, John peppered a tour guide with so many questions from his stories that the tour guide begged him not to ask any more questions, for he had finished all his stories. 

It is no surprise that such a man should become one of the richest people of his day. 

A curious mind is unstoppable. A person who asks questions cannot be lost. He would always find his way. 

Be curious. Develop unquenchable, unstoppable curiosity. BE A SPONGE! ABSORB EVERYTHING. When others are satisfied with mediocrity and half information, go deeper!

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