The American Climate Corps Will Put Climate Change Fighters to Work

Last month, the job listings page for the American Climate Corps went live. The ACC is a new program developed by the Biden administration that plans to mobilize young people into careers fighting climate change and environmental injustice. These roles span the country and both private and public sectors. Like other corps-type jobs, these roles […] The post The American Climate Corps Will Put Climate Change Fighters to Work appeared first on Modern Farmer.

The American Climate Corps Will Put Climate Change Fighters to Work

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Last month, the job listings page for the American Climate Corps went live. The ACC is a new program developed by the Biden administration that plans to mobilize young people into careers fighting climate change and environmental injustice. These roles span the country and both private and public sectors. Like other corps-type jobs, these roles will be term limited.

In addition to sectors such as clean energy and conservation, some of the jobs work with food systems. These jobs aim to conserve water and natural resources, increase access to nutritional food through community gardens and build or strengthen farm-to-plate food systems. Here are some examples of ACC jobs for which you could apply right now:

Local Food Ambassador. “Engage recent Maryland High School graduates in advancing a just and sustainable food system by improving neighborhood access to healthy food, providing experience-based education and developing an economically viable, environmentally responsible local agriculture sector.” Baltimore, Maryland.

Fond du Lac Reservation Food Sovereignty VISTA. “Serve on the Fond du Lac Reservation to enhance tribal food sovereignty working with the Agricultural Division to manage our 36-acre farm.” Cloquet, Minnesota. 

AgCorps Butte Ag Literacy Specialist. “Engage young Americans in connecting youth and the community to food and where their food comes from. This includes conducting taste tests, educational activities, cooking and gardening lessons.” Butte, Montana.

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security. “The ACC member will work on sustainable agriculture initiatives, promote local food systems and advance our mission of empowering individuals and communities to bring about a sustainable and equitable future. The member will play an integral role in helping to develop and implement and executing sustainable agriculture programs and projects.” Greenville, South Carolina.

Proyecto Siembra Members. “Promote healthy futures through gardening on weekly visits to children at schools and day care centers and increase food security for our residents in Culebra while carrying out…cooking workshops every month to provide an opportunity to cultivate a healthy relationship between harvesting and consuming nutritious food.” Culebra, Puerto Rico.

Find the full list of jobs and apply here.

The post The American Climate Corps Will Put Climate Change Fighters to Work appeared first on Modern Farmer.

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