No matter who you are today, or what you have done or not done in the past, there are seven essential truths about who you are as a person, deep down inside:

1. You are a thoroughly good and excellent person. You are valuable and worthwhile beyond measure. No one is better than you and no one is smarter than you. In your heart of hearts, you are a fine human being. You are as good as or better than anyone you will ever meet.

2. You are important, in many, many ways. Of course, you are important to yourself. Your entire world revolves around you. You are the most important person in your personal universe. You give meaning to everything you see or hear. Nothing in your world has any significance except for that which you attribute to it personally.

You are also important to your parents. Your birth was a significant moment in their lives and still affects them today. As you grew up, almost everything you did was important and significant to them.

You are important to your own family, to your mate, your spouse, your children, and the other members of your social circle. Some of the things you do or say have an enormous impact on them.

In your work, you are important to your company, your customers, your coworkers, and your community. The things you do or don’t do can have a tremendous effect on the lives of others.

3. You have unlimited potential. You have the ability to create your life and your world as you desire. You could not use your entire potential if you lived a hundred lifetimes.

No matter what you have accomplished so far, it is merely a hint of what is truly possible for you. And the more of your potential you develop, the more you can develop in the future.

4. You create your world in every respect by the way you think and the depth of your convictions. Your beliefs create your realities. And every belief you have about yourself you have learned, starting in infancy. The amazing discovery is that most of the negative beliefs that interfere with your happiness and success are not based in fact or reality at all. They are not true.

4. You are always free to choose. You control the content of your thoughts and the direction of your life. You control your inner life completely. You can decide to think happy, fulfilling, uplifting thoughts, which lead to positive actions and results. Or you can, by default, end up choosing negative, self-limiting thoughts that trip you up and hold you back.

Your mind is like a garden; either flowers or weeds will grow. But if you do not deliberately cultivate flowers, weeds will grow automatically, without any effort on your part. This simple analogy explains most unhappiness in life. People are not planting enough flowers in the form of positive, happy, uplifting thoughts.

6. You were put on this earth with a great destiny. You are meant to do something wonderful with your life. You have a unique combination of talents, abilities, ideas, insights, and experiences that make you different from anyone who has ever lived. You were designed for success and engineered for greatness. Your acceptance or nonacceptance of this truth largely determines your level of ambition and the direction of your life.

7. There are no limits to what you can do, be, or have except for those you place on your own thinking and your own imagination. The biggest enemies you will ever have are self-limiting beliefs, beliefs that are not based in fact, but that you have accepted through the years until you no longer question them.

Remember this rule: It doesn’t matter where you’re coming from; all that really matters is where you’re going.

Make a decision, right now, that you are going to unlock your full potential and become the extraordinary person who lies deep within you. You are going to accomplish the extraordinary things that you were put in this world to do.

Believe It To Achieve It by Brian Tracy



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