Did you know that the African continent has over 600 million people without access to electricity, and that only three countries in the continent have 100 percent access to constant electricity?

It is no longer news that Nigeria has been a shadow of itself despite being the giant of Africa, as the country has continually battled with the issue of poor access to electricity for years with no end in sight of the problem, no thanks to a corruption-riddled government policies.

However, despite Nigeria's underperformance in the power sector, with over 600 million people without access to electricity in Africa, some governments across the continent have prioritized power sector investment and development in a bid to kickstart socioeconomic growth and industrialization. Working towards achieving the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 – universal access to affordable, reliable and modern electricity services — significant progress has and continues to be made to electrify Africa, with several countries emerging as frontrunners. Here are the top 10 African countries that are mostly electrified in 2022:

1️⃣ EGYPT: 100% Electricity Access

Bordering the Mediterranean Ocean and the Red Sea, Egypt has achieved a 100% national electricity access rate for both the rural and urban population. Egypt’s electricity is sourced mainly from hydropower and thermal power stations, with the country advancing as a leader in the renewable energy sector. Currently, the country is developing plans to export surplus electricity via interconnections to Europe, the Middle East and sub-Saharan African.

2️⃣ MOROCCO: 100% Access

Morocco is among the top electrified countries in Africa, achieving a 100% national electricity access rate for both its rural and urban populations. Located in north Africa and bordering the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, Morocco represents a high potential renewable energy market, particularly regarding solar. With plans to increase the share of renewables in the energy mix to 52% for wind and solar by 2030, major developments are currently underway.

3️⃣ TUNISIA: 100% Access

Covering all of its domestic consumption needs, Tunisia boasts 100% national electricity access for both rural and urban areas. The north African country predominantly generates its electricity from natural gas and is on track for long-term investment in renewable energy, targeting a 30% share of renewables by 2023.

4️⃣ ALGERIA: 99.8% Access

With a 99.8% national electricity access rate – 99.6% in rural areas and 99.9% in urban areas ­– Algeria ranks among some of the top electrified countries in Africa. Natural gas accounts for 96% of the country’s installed capacity with the remaining 4% sourced from a combination of oil, solar, hydropower and wind.

5️⃣ GABON: 91.6% Access

Meanwhile, in Gabon, the country boasts an electricity access rate of 91.6%. Electricity access in rural areas stands at 27.8%, the urban population has an access rate of 98.6%. Under the Gabon Emergent Policy, the oil-rich country aims to introduce a sustainable energy mix including biomass, natural gas and hydropower in efforts to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and improve access to electricity across the rural population.

6️⃣ GHANA: 85.9% Access

Ghana’s electricity mix is dominated by hydropower energy, thermal energy and gas. Currently, the country has a national electricity access rate of 85.9% with 74% access in rural areas and 94% in urban zones. The west African nation has sound prospects of better balancing its sources for electricity generation as it is endowed with significant natural gas reserves as well as various renewable resources.

7️⃣ SOUTH AFRICA: 84.4% Access

South Africa currently generates most of its electricity from coal, with the country’s national access to electricity rate standing at 84.4% – 75.3% for rural areas and 88.8% in urban areas. The country is targeting energy diversification; scaling up investment and development in renewable energy in a bid to reduce the reliance on coal and further improve access. By 2030, South Africa intends to reduce coal use to less than 60% while increasing renewables to 25%.

8️⃣ BOTSWANA: 72% Access

The land-locked southern African country of Botswana mainly generates its electricity from coal, wood and petroleum, relying on coal and petroleum product imports from South Africa and other regional neighbours. The country has an urban electricity access rate of 90.7% and 26.4% rural access rate, bringing the national rate to 72%. National targets to achieve a 100% electricity access rate by 2030 are underway with the country looking at utilizing its abundant wind and solar resources.   

9️⃣ KENYA: 71.4% Access

With a 71.4% national electricity access rate, comprising 62.7% for rural areas and 94% for urban areas, Kenya has the highest access rate in east Africa. Kenya’s energy mix includes hydropower, geothermal energy, wind power, solar power and biomass. With the bulk of electricity coming from renewable resources, Kenya ranks as a regional leader in renewable energy. The east African country intends to improve access to electricity, prioritizing rural electrification.

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