How to budget money on a low income

The world economy is far worse and prices are raising across the board coupled with the high cost of living coupled with it due to ... Read more

How to budget money on a low income

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The world economy is far worse and prices are raising across the board coupled with the high cost of living coupled with it due to high inflation which left the money not able to purchase and complete the task for that month. Budgeting your money may seem like a Herculean task especially when your income is low, but with the right discipline and following certain steps, there is a way to stretch your dollar afar and be able to use it on the important task at hand. Here are some tips,  We have tested these tips and methods and they have proven to be effective especially when your income is low;

How to budget Money for a low income 

Budget is when a sum of money is located for a particular purpose, even with low income you can still budget and achieve your purpose. We have highlighted 17 steps to follow when you are on low income for good budgeting;

1. Understand Your Income

You should first understand and analyze where your income comes from each month, is it from your job, government allowances child support? By analyzing where your income comes from, we determine how you budget. Maybe the money is coming monthly, weekly or yearly. Knowing this analysis will let you know the decision to take concerning your income.

2. Track your income

Monitor your income, and see where your income is going. This can be done using a spreadsheet, notebook, or budgeting app to carefully track all of your income sources. Account for fluctuations, like smaller paychecks in months with unpaid time off. Knowing your average monthly income will help you plan realistically.

3. Itemize fixed and variable expenses

Categorizing how you spend your money, you can Make a comprehensive list of everything you spend money on each month, there are so far two major things you incur expenses which are fixed and variable. Your fixed expenses stay the same whether your income increases or not, your rent, school fees and car payments are Fareed in the same amount. Variable expenses can change you might decide to change this for your convenience, variable is meant to fluctuate, like groceries and gas. This helps you see where your money is going.

4. Make a Budget

Knowing how your money comes in and glows out, it is time to make a detailed budget. The goal is to allocate every dollar so you can gain control of your spending.

5. Prioritize needs over wants

Always prioritize your need first, these are the things you can do without, these are needed for survival, and they include food water etc rather than considering things like Clothes, Gadgets, Home accessories and a lot more first. Prioritizing your need first will help in budgeting your income which is to be spent on the most important task at hand.

6.Look for ways to cut expenses

Scrutinize and reduce your variable expenses, and cut and reduce your daily to daily spending to find areas where you can reduce spending, even in small ways. For example, pack lunches instead of eating out, this helps in reducing the amount of money spent on eating out.

7. Allow some room for fun

When you are depressed these can cause you to spend money harshly Depression can cause budget blowouts. Include a small amount for dining out, hobbies, or other fun expenditures. Just keep it reasonable, and don’t be too harsh to yourself as you might even spend money on your health as a result of strict budgeting 

8. Find Additional Income

To create more breathing room in your budget, explore ways to earn extra money on top of your regular job.

9. Take on a side gig

The income you earn may not be able to sustain your in terms of budgeting can use your skills and passions to make money on the side through freelancing if you are skilled in digital skills like programming, Animation and a lot more ride-share driving using Uber tutoring, or other side hustles.

10. Sell unused items

Instead of leaving your unused items lying and occupying space, you can make money through this helping in increasing your budget Selling it on eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or consignment shops brings in the cash.

11. Look for government assistance programs

Government do release grants for the family using a program that is intended to help family and household with low income, Depending on your income level and family size, you may qualify for government benefits like food stamps and housing vouchers. Apply to find out.

12. Clip coupons and buy generic

Coupons are sometimes available in the supermarket, grocery shops and stores When grocery shopping, look for coupons use their stick-to-store brands and skip more expensive pre-processed foods, opt for the cheaper ones in bulk when items are on sale as these will reduce the cost that will be spent in buying one piece and even bring a discount.

13. Negotiate bills and cut subscriptions

You can renegotiate you can have Call service with the call providers to ask for lower rates or employ them to consider your loyalty you can switch companies when you are not satisfied with the high cost of the bills. Eliminate subscriptions and memberships you rarely use.

14. DIY instead of hiring out

The money spent on littlprojectscts like Painpaintinggpentering, Gardening and a lot Do it yourself tasks when summing up together amounts to a significant number,  consider Doingttheses basic home repairs and maintenance yourself instead of paying someone. Thanks to  YouTube tutorials you can fix this easily with guides.

15. Use apps to save money

Some will help you in your way to save money and helps in budgeting they are some apps that will help you in this including iGasBuddy, RetailMeNot, and Honey help you find discounts on gas, coupons for stores, and coupon codes for online shopping.

16. Save Regularly

No matter your income always give room for saving as this in the long run, uncertainty and emergency may pop up in the future, not having any money saved behind for that particular period, not having any savings will make you borrow money from loans app, banks and other financial institution, later this ill put you in debt you might not be able to handle.

17.Avoid Debt Traps

When money is tight and everywhere seems right, with no options it can be very tempting to rely on credit cards or predatory lenders to fill the gap as there are the only way to the solution. But be mindful of their sky-high rates which will just dig you deeper into a hole.


Budgeting one income might seem hard and seems impossible but with dedication, creativity and patience this will become a reality, the tips mentioned above takes a lot of dedication and patience always stay disciplined the situation won’t just happen overnight, in terms of confussticksstick to plan for the money, with time you will getting naturally stick fo it.

Things might go wrong, but don’t forget no man is an island on himself feel overwhelmed by a particular situation that overpowers your budget, consult a financial advisor, use a budgeting app as guidance, you can source funds from friends and family, don’t be discouraged, one steps at a time, I want to see you prosper.

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