Food for Thought

Is there a fear of something that is consuming your thoughts and actions in your life? The post Food for Thought can be found online at Daily Thoughts about God.

Food for Thought

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Now concerning food offered to idols: we know that “all of us possess knowledge.” This “knowledge” puffs up, but love builds up. If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know.  But if anyone loves God, he is known by God.” 1 Corinthians 8:1-3 (ESV)

It is easy to begin to read Chapter 8 in 1 Corinthians and wonder what in the world this has to do with me today. The reality of the situation is that it has a lot to do with us, as long as we understand that Paul was not just addressing an issue about food.

This underlining issue that is repeated over and over again in Paul’s letters is fear. Fear of ‘am I good enough for God, and am I living the Godly life right, and what do I need to do to be right with God‘?

The opposite of Love is Fear, according to God’s Word; not hate.

Hate is a fruit or a by-product of fear. (Just a side note…God tells us in a variety of different ways to not have fear over 300 times in His Word). When we speak to others, and to one another; we either speak from Love or from fear. Likewise in our thoughts and in our actions.

Fear allows the knowledge we gain to puff ourselves up; fear that we are not good enough, or insufficient. Fear causes us to point fingers and look down on each other so we can puff ourselves up in our own self-sufficiency. Love however, only builds up. Love lifts one up rather than holding or pushing them down. Love is full of Grace, while fear is full of condemnation.

Paul is affirming in this Scripture that we are to not let fear bind us in our own self-worth. Our identity is found through Christ Jesus as sons and daughters of God; not based on our knowledge, or on us following a set of rules. Fear will always bring following the rules, and our failure to do so into our lives; serving as a hindrance from the Grace we have in Christ. A hindrance that divides His Church, and our relationship with Him.

Ask yourself today…is there a fear of something that is consuming your thoughts and actions in your life? Do you feel you have to do things, or live a certain way based on fear rather than Love? Take these things to Jesus today, and lay them at His feet. Ask for Him to free you from them and then rest in His Loving arms.

By Daniel Forster
used by permission


Take Your Cue from Fear and Trust God –  by Kristi Huseby

• Giving Fear an Eviction Notice –  by Karen Woodard

•  Fear God and You Need Fear Nothing Else – by Helen Lescheid

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The post Food for Thought can be found online at Daily Thoughts about God.

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