Are You Still AFRAID of SELLING? See This..

One of the greatest skills you should learn and grow in is SALES. Granted early in your professional career, you may not understand the value of learning how to sell let alone the benefits that this skill could afford you in other areas of your life, trust me, you won’t regret it. Typically, if you are […] The post Are You Still AFRAID of SELLING? See This.. appeared first on SME Digest!.

Are You Still AFRAID of SELLING? See This..

One of the greatest skills you should learn and grow in is SALES. Granted early in your professional career, you may not understand the value of learning how to sell let alone the benefits that this skill could afford you in other areas of your life, trust me, you won’t regret it.

Typically, if you are like most people, when you think of sales, you picture the dishonest, fast talking sales person that’s looking to get over on you by selling you something you don’t want or rarely need. Sadly, this happens everyday and much to the dismay of the true art and science of sales.

Yes, whether selling is face to face or over the phone, it is an art and science that’s teachable. We all owe a great debt to individuals such as Tom Hopkins, Brain Tracy, and Zig Ziglar for giving the industry of sales its professional context.


Why Do Most People Shy Away from Sales?


Simply fear of the unknown. Well, maybe a close second is fear of failure. See, in the world of sales, you are forced to come out of your comfort zone or the zone of me, myself and I and interact with the outside world. This is a pretty scary notion for most, if not all people.

It’s rather comfortable to just stay to yourself and not interact with others unless you have to. Well, if that’s how you’re living life professionally, then you don’t know what you’re missing. By engaging in the lives of others professionally in the world of sales, you learn that you help add value to people’s lives. You get to add value to others by helping to solve their problems and aiding them in doing their jobs better.

Ultimately, the foundation of successful sales is the motivation to serve others more than you’re willing to serve yourself. I believe it was Zig Ziglar that said, “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.


So, overcome your fears, desire to serve more than being served, and learn to sell.


The post Are You Still AFRAID of SELLING? See This.. appeared first on SME Digest!.

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