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During a doactalk with African Investor, Didi-Omah Augustine Chinazaekpere we do discover that there are strong problems the black continent - AFRICA is facing that whereas solving them will definitely lead to great wealth resulting about more than millions of dollars.
 According to Didi-Omah Augustine Chinazaekpere (African Investor, as popularly known); the problems are fundamental opportunities to Citizens and investors not to government (at large).
   Let's you forget about Natural Resources, Petroleum, Bitcoins, and so forth of this generation fast wealth sources.
Building a strong wealth empire, need the solutions to this African's Problems.
Problems are blessings in disguise and every successful entrepreneur knows this secret. 

Optimists and risk takers like to describe Africa as the “world’s last frontier of lucrative business opportunities”. Take a good look at Africa, you will see two things depending on your personality — You either see a continent full of problems and you just want to escape like those guys that walk through the Libyan desert or you see a virgin land filled with huge business opportunities.

The most lucrative opportunities in Africa are not in its crude oil, precious stones or timber. No! Africa’s biggest jackpot lies in finding solutions to many of its serious and pressing problems.

Anyone who can find solve the problems you’re about to read stands the chance of making money in Africa.

1. Hunger

  Hunger is one of the biggest problems africa is suffering from every day and every seconds. Africa is the world's second largest continent with more than 60% of the world’s uncultivated arable land, a conducive climate for agriculture, and an overwhelmingly young population (more than 60% of the African population is under 25 years old), but more than 2.5 millions of it's population still go hungry every day. The opportunity in Africa’s hunger problem is simple:

Food is a basic need and a matter of survival. You can hardly ever go wrong with food in Africa!

Because, you or we venturing into Agro-based Industries, that focus on Cultivation, Processing, Packaging, Rearing of Livestocks, Fishing, Storing and Preservation

2. Unemployment

This is another big problem that the Africans are seriously facing ( currently now citizens blamed government for not creating sufficient jobs opportunities to reach out to it's nation's population). Many of the people looking for jobs on our continent do not have the required education, training, skills and experience that make them desirable for employment. Businesses and entrepreneurs who can offer solutions to this problem in the form of skill acquisition programs, education and training are very likely to enjoy huge benefits. So if you are looking to be a billionaire entrepreneur, solving this problem might just be your best shot. Some are graduates with good qualities but the desired industry will find one fault on the individual that will make it look frustrating.

No wonder, Didi-Omah Augustine Chinazaekpere Employment Qualifications: Ability - Courage - Excitement And not what popular Industries copy as their Employment Qualifications: Age - Certificate - Education; that qualifications can solve the unemployment rates in Africa.
3. Diseases

 According to a recent WHO Report, infectious diseases are the leading causes of sickness and death in developing regions like Africa.

Of these infectious diseases, malaria, HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diarrhoeal diseases, and measles make up more than 90 percent of over 10 million disease-related deaths that occur in Africa every year. Most of these diseases can be treated with the right drugs.

Africa’s serious disease problem has led to a huge and rapidly growing demand for drugs, medicines and other pharmaceutical products. Africa has less than 15 percent of the world’s population yet it accounts for nearly 24 percent of all diseases that occurs in the world. Surprised? Well, apart from poor access to essential medicines and vaccines, low-quality healthcare, malnutrition, and poverty, our continent’s tropical (warm) climate favors the breeding of disease vectors (like mosquitoes which cause malaria). In addition to these factors, the rise of chronic diseases like heart attacks, cancer, respiratory diseases, and diabetes is causing more deaths in Africa every year.

4. Shelter

 After Food, Shelter is the primary need of man. Africa with more than 2.3 billions of population residing in the continent, and knowing that about 5 millions of it's population have not place to call a home (sleeping under flyovers, roadsides and so many uncomfortable venues to be called). Looking at solving the problems of providing shelters, you ought to look into manufacturing building materials like Cement, Steels, Ceiling etc. 

Philatrophic services of providing free accommodation or housing for the poor masses can be done by you (through Foundation).

5. Education

Education is also the primary problems of africa, most of African's children are out of schools due to High shool fees and ignorance from parents. You can solve the problems of education not by issuing scholarships to less privileges but by building a free Education institution to enable the poor masses. You can also open a paid school and charged $5 for per month as tuition fee per child.

6.  Electricity

Power supply or electricity is one of the major problems africa have for over a decades. Some people say that if you look at the African continent from outer space at night, it looks empty and pitch black.

Maybe this is why the rest of the world refers to Africa as the ‘dark continent’.

The poor supply of electricity to support everyday needs like lighting up bulbs, pumping water and charging mobile phone batteries is a big and very serious problem in many parts of Africa.

In many countries on the continent, less than 20 percent of the population have access to electricity; the situation is much worse in rural areas where fewer than 5 percent are connected to the electric power grid. You can solve the problems of electricity by providing Solar system or transmissing electric currents from state electricity distribution company to the society (as purchasing/holding 25% financial shares from the electricity company).

The Other Africa's Problems:

7. Transportation


8. Insecurity


9. Wastes

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